10 Awsome Facts About Garden Bamboo Plants

Bamboos have features, structures and properties that are interesting to know, especially if you are a keen gardener. 

Some bamboo can grow to more than 10 metres high in the wild. There are over 10,000 known varieties of bamboo plants in the tropical jungles in Asia and the Pacific. 

The tropical bamboo plants can be found at Kew Garden Palm House in London.

facts about bamboo

Facts About Garden Bamboo Plants

Bamboos are winter-hardy and evergreen all year round. They are great screening plants and many of them thrive in the UK, either as clump-forming (Fargesias) or running (Phyllostachys).

Here are 10 interesting facts about garden bamboo plants for a bamboo grower in the UK. 

  1. Evergreen all year round.
  2. Roots are difficult to remove.
  3. Grow well in pots and containers.
  4. Can withstand cold British winter.
  5. Splinters are sharp. Cuts can be nasty.
  6. Are invasive and need care and attention.
  7. Costs depend on the size and height and cost.
  8. Great sticks for staking plants in the garden or fencing.
  9. Are either running or clump-forming bamboo varieties.
  10. Suitable for garden décor and centrepiece, borders, fences and privacy screens.

If you want to find out how fast bamboos grow, here is an article that gives Answers to 10 Common Questions about Bamboo.

GIANT TIMBER BAMBOO [Kew Garden Palm House in London]

Bamboo Plants UK - running vs. clump-forming

Running bamboo 

The Phyllostachys bamboo plants have horizontal underground stems called rhizomes. 

These running bamboo plants are great for tall borders and screens and are becoming popular in recent years because of the spectacular colours of the stems.

This variety is invasive and needs close attention to stop it from spreading.

Clump-forming bamboo 

Fagesias are fantastic garden and pot plants. They are non-invasive plants compared to their cousins, the Running bamboo plants. The running bamboo plants have great stem colourations, whereas the clump-forming have dense foliage.

Fargesia robusta and Fargesia nitida are among the best umbrella bamboo for screening because they have dense foliage from top to bottom. 

Awesome Garden Bamboo Plants

The evergreen foliage of the garden bamboo plants is adorable all season. 

Its strong and hardy stems make for a strong fence. The sticks are fantastic for staking beans and sweet peas.

The bamboo plants, whether grown as privacy screens, hedges or used as staking sticks, are growing in popularity among gardeners and homeowners in the UK.

Check out GBP Blog's archive and YouTube Videos for tips and tricks to Grow Bamboo Plants in the UK.  It has an updated collection of articles on ALL-YOU-NEED-TO-GROW-BAMBOO plants.