Bamboo electric toothbrushes UK

The number of toothbrushes in landfills is staggering.  A Nat Geo survey revealed that hundreds of toothbrushes are often found by beach cleaners in Hawaii. 

It is now one of the main trash washed up on the beaches. Some companies in the UK are developing toothbrushes with bamboo handles
bamboo electric toothbrush UK

You can now get a bamboo toothbrush set or head replacement made of bamboo online or in-store.  Here is a UK main supplier of Bamboo based bathroom accessories - Truthbrush
The nylon bristles can be cut off and discarded as landfill wastes, whereas the bamboo handle and head are returned as garden waste. 

The bamboo electric toothbrush, like the Solid Toothbrush Heads, are eco-friendly. The replacement heads are made from durable bamboo and last longer. 

Two heads can last for 6 months or more. The bamboo toothbrushes with removable heads are fantastic products for replacing plastic heads.

 A conventional toothbrush is unrecyclable because the plastics in them are difficult, if not impossible, to break down efficiently. 

 Since 2017, it is estimated that over 12 million people in the UK were using electric toothbrushes. Though they are recyclable, they are not environmentally friendly and are unsustainable.

Pros of using a Plastic toothbrush

  • Easy to find a head replacement.
  • Lasts longer than a bamboo toothbrush.
  • Works better than the handheld toothbrush.
  • Can withstand falls due to its plastic casing.

Cons of using a plastic toothbrush

  • Unrecyclable.
  • Unsustainable.
  • Staggering replacement rate of 4 – 5 times a year.
  • Plastic and battery add to the pollution and poisoning of the rivers and oceans.
You may want to check out the stunning bamboo plate and set for kids.

  Bamboo electrical toothbrush for sale in UK, US, NZ, Australia, Canada, Singapore 

Bamboo-based products UK

The current trend is promising. Many bamboo-based products are available online and in-store unlike 10 years ago.

There are cute products for kids and adults alike. Most are sourced from sustainable sources in Vietnam, Thailand and in the US.


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