Showing posts with label evergreen plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evergreen plants. Show all posts

Fargesia murielae Standing Stone Arrow Bamboo [Clump-forming]

Fargesia murielae Standing Stone is an upright (tall) Umbrella Bamboo also known as the Flaming or arrow bamboo for its tall and straight canes.

Newly introduced clump-forming bamboo is exceptionally hardy and tolerant to poor soil conditions. 

Upright, tight clump-forming bamboo, ideal as an individual plant or grown in pots and containers. Standing Stone is also a good option for a tall hedge and privacy fence.

Buy Fargesia Murielae Standing Stone

Standing Stone Bamboo is a beautiful ornamental bamboo, an ideal choice for tall-growing hedges or screens, or as an individual plant.

To buy Fargesia Murieliae Simba, here is where to buy clumping bamboo plantsWe listed some top UK Home & Garden retailers online like Crocus and YouGarden.

Click on the link/s where you’ll be directed to top UK Bamboo Suppliers. 

You can check the latest prices before buying the bamboo that suits your budget. (Let us know if you have a particular choice of bamboo that we can help with).

Fargesia murielae 'Standing Stone', Umbrella Bamboo, Arrow Bamboo, Flamingo

Fargesia murielae Standing Stone Features

  • Identification: Fargesia murielae 'Standing Stone', Umbrella Bamboo, Arrow Bamboo, Flamingo, Green Arrow.
  • Foliage: Arch-forming, evergreen.
  • Culm colour: Yellow-green.
  • Height: Upright, 5m.
  • Spread: clump-forming, non-spreading bamboo.
  • Perennial: 10 – 20 years.
  • Use: Individual plants, containers, ornamental; canes are exceptional bamboo sticks for garden plants

Growth requirements

  • Site: Best in full sun, tolerates shade, avoid windy locations.
  • Soil: Prefers Loamy or clay, well-drained moist, doesn’t like compacted soil.
  • Hardiness: - 10 degrees Celsius.
  • Care: Protect new growth from slugs, susceptible to wind and heavy snow.

Maintain Fargesia murielae Standing Stone

Bamboo Standing Stone is a tall slim clump-forming Fergasia Murielae. 

Although the culms have strength in numbers, the new culms stand little chance against the strong wind. They'll sway and bend easily.

Grow Fargesia murielae Standing Stone away from the wind. 

Alternatively, support the culm by tying them together. [Here is a YouTube video about How to Protect Bamboo from the wind and snow.]

Care for Standing Stone Bamboo

Slugs adore the new bamboo plants (shoots and rhizomes tips). Apply the Snail and Slug Killer to protect the new growth. 

The best time to apply the Snail and Bug Killers is early Spring when new growths are prominent.

Fargesia murielae ‘Standing Stone’ is a tall Fargesia clump-forming bamboo. Though it is a tolerant and tough bamboo, it needs protection from the wind.

This clump-forming bamboo forms a tightly packed cluster of arching stems and evergreen foliage, that emerges into a thicker hedge or screen.

Apply fertiliser if or when necessary. 

Alternatively, add mulch in early in Spring, ideally before the new shoot growth. This will improve the condition of the soil and give a healthy Standing Stone bamboo.

20+ Fargesia Murielae Bamboo Cultivars

The Umbrella Bamboo (Fargesia murielae Standing Stone) is as arching, clump-forming bamboo, closely resembling Fargesia murielae varieties.

Here are five Umbrella Bamboo plants that are closely related to the Standing Stone.

  1. Fargesia murielae 'Jumbo'
  2. Robusta Campbell Umbrella Bamboo
  3. Nitida Obelisk Hybrid Umbrella Bamboo
  4. Fargesia murielae Simba Umbrella Bamboo
  5. Fargesia Nitida Winter Joy Fountain Bamboo

We did extensive research on the popular bamboo plants in the UK and, carefully, gathered the qualities and features so that you can find the one that suits you.

Check out our collections of over 20 Fargesia murielae and Fargesia nitida bamboo plants. Alternatively, use the search bar (on the right) if you are looking for a particular bamboo.

We present the information in a simplified version where you can easily identify the bamboo that suits you.

Amazing Garden Bamboo Plants

Bamboos are amazing plants. They come in various sizes, shapes, colours, and formations.

Although some varieties (Phyllostachys) are invasive, they are manageable. They need care when they are newly planted. Once establish, you only have to check on them and enjoy the evergreen plant.

Fargesia bamboo varieties are non-spreading and form clusters of rigorous stems. These bamboo plants are best for small hedges and privacy fences. 

They thrive in pots and containers, and as individual plants.

Bamboo is fast-growing, provides cover fast and last longer than many other perennial. They are tough and tolerant plants.

Ornamental Garden Bamboo Plants

The garden and containers bamboo plants are evergreen all year round and tolerant to hardy conditions. 

They provide greenery all season, always a joy to watch the hedge dancing in the wind or standing among the white snowfall.

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Fargesia Borinda Angustissima Non-invasive Clumping Bamboo

Fargesia Borinda Angustissima is a highly attractive non-invasive, clump-forming bamboo plant. Its arching culms are covered in beautiful slender green leaves all year round.

Borinda Angustissima is known for its crimson-purple shoots, lime green culms, creamy sheaths and frosty leaves giving it a white powdery appearance. 

Fargesia Angustissima Borinda is a great non-invasive, evergreen, clumping bamboo plant, low maintenance.

Buy Fargesia Angustissima Borinda

We’ve compiled a list of reputable Garden retailers in the UK where you can buy the right bamboo at the right price.

Find out where to buy clumping bamboo plants from the UK Home & Garden retailers online.

Bamboo plants for sale: Crocus and YouGarden


  • Identification: Fargesia murielae Angustissima, Borinda Angustissima, Umbrella Bamboo.
  • Foliage: Green slender leaves.
  • Culm colour: Lime green arching stems.
  • Height: Medium to tall bamboo, 2 - 4m, fast-growing.
  • Spread: 2 – 3, clump-forming, non-spreading bamboo.
  • Uses: Hedge, screen, individual plant, contained spaces.
  • Perennial: 10 -20 years.

Growth requirements

  • Site: Sun to part shade.
  • Soil: loam or sand and clay.
  • Moisture: well-drained moist, do not overwater.
  • Hardiness: - 15 degrees Celsius.
gartenbambus fargesia Angustissima Borinda Non-invasive Clumping Bamboo - Bamboo for sale

Grow Borinda Fargesia murielae Angustissima

Fargesia murielae Angustissima (commonly known as Borinda Angustissima) is a stunning Fargesia Umbrella Bamboo with fine narrow leaves, and lime green arching stems covered with white frosty sheaths.

At 2 -4m, Borinda is of medium height compared to the other Umbrella Bamboo cousins. This clump-forming non-invasive bamboo is best for small hedging and privacy screen.

It also grows well in confined spaces, ideal for small gardens, large pots and containers. A fantastic plant for terraces and patios.

Another cousin of Angustissima is the stunning Fargesia Blue Dragon Papyrifera Borinda.

gartenbambus fargesia Angustissima Borinda Non-invasive Clumping Bamboo - Bamboo for sale

Nurture Fargesia Borinda Angustissima

Although bamboo plants are tolerant, there is a number of natural threats. Mitigating these early threats is the best thing to do to protect the new growth. So, growing bamboo requires care and protection, especially when they are newly planted.

Here are the common dangers:

  • New leaves, shoots and rhizomes tips are susceptible to slug attack.
  • Frozen soil can cause damage to the root hairs and rhizomes.
  • Strong winds can damage the new culms.

Protect Borinda Angustissima Bamboo

To avoid the natural threats to your bamboo plants, do these:

Generally, the bamboo plants thrive in well-aerated loam, or sand and loose clay soil but the older plants will require fertiliser and moisture, at least, once in Spring. Check for new shoots, or whether the leaves and soil are in good condition.

This clump-forming bamboo loves moist soil, but the root hairs will decay very quickly in waterlogged soil.

Propagate Fargesia Borinda Angustissima

There are three ways to propagate bamboo plants:

  • from the seeds, or
  • by culm and rhizome cuttings, or
  • by culm separation.

Some people have successfully used conventional ‘Layering’ as the fourth way to propagate large bamboo. 

However, propagating bamboos from the cuttings and by separation is, by far, the two popular ways many gardeners use in the UK.

If you are propagating bamboo plants either from the rhizome or culm cuttings or planting a recent purchase, protect the new growths. 

Add Slug and Snail Killer around the new plants, the slugs can wipe off the tender growths if left unprotected.

20+ Fargesia Bamboo Varieties

Fargesia murielae Borinda Angustissima is an Umbrella Bamboo similar to the other Fargesia murielae varieties, but with lime-green stems, and powdery white sheaths with a peculiar frosty appearance.

Here is a unique selection of the other stunning Fargesia murielae Bamboo plants under the Umbrella Bamboo label.

  1. Fargesia Standing Stone
  2. Jumbo Umbrella Bamboo
  3. Fargesia Scabrida Asian Wonder
  4. Murielae Simba Umbrella Bamboo
  5. Robusta Campbell Umbrella Bamboo

Grow Invasive or Non-invasive Bamboo Plants

Bamboos are amazing plants. They come in various sizes, shapes, colours, and formations.

Although some varieties (Phyllostachys) are invasive, they are manageable. 

Many varieties thrive in the UK. We list over 50 running and clump-forming bamboo here.

The Fargesia varieties are clump-forming and non-invasive. They form clusters of rigorous stems and base clumps. 

Fargesia Angustissima Borinda is a great non-invasive, evergreen, clumping bamboo plant, low maintenance.

They are best for hedges and privacy screens, pots and containers or grown as a standalone plant.

6 fast-growing evergreen hedge plants in the UK

In the UK, many hedge trees and shrubs are either evergreen or deciduous. Some lose their leaves in spring whereas others remain evergreen, including the bamboo plants. 
What are the fast-growing evergreen hedge plants in the UK? Here we take a look at 6 evergreen, fastgrowing hedge plants. Bamboo, Green Leylandii, Photinia Red Robin, Western Red Cedar, Portuguese Laurel and Beech. 

evergreen, fastgrowing hedge plants  - Bamboo Green Leylandii Photinia Red Robin Western Red Cedar Portuguese Laurel Beech

6 fast-growing evergreen hedge plants

Most hedging plants are evergreen except Beech which loses its leaves in Autumn. 

The beech tree has tightly packed branches that still provide the hedging cover in Autumn and Winter, except for the greenery. 

Of the 6 plants, bamboo is the only grass variety among the fast-growing evergreen hedging plants.

fast-growing hedge plants UK - Bamboo Green Leylandii Photinia Red Robin Western Red Cedar Portuguese Laurel Beech

Check out the YouGarden Collections of hedging plants. (Affiliate link)

Source: RHS, Woodland Trust, et all.

Tips for selecting the right hedging plants

(The article All you need to know about Selecting Bamboos for Hedging and Screening also provides additional information on the different bamboo plants. Check out the article linked)

easy guide for selecting bamboo hedging plants UK

Where to buy hedging?

We work with some big UK home and garden brands. 

Check out the links to go straight to their website where you can find out about the hedging plants we feature in this article.

Fast-growing evergreen hedge plants

We know that bamboos are among the 6 fast-growing hedge plants in the UK. 

They are at the top of the group of evergreen hedging plants and come in various shapes, sizes and colours. 

They will require some care and attention as they grow. 

If you want a quick hedge, bamboos are definitely a better option.

Red Cane Bamboo Phyllostachys rubromarginata

Phyllostachys rubromarginata is also called the Reddish Bamboo or Red Margin Bamboo because of the reddish colour of the new shoots. 
This running bamboo is tall and upright, fast-spreading bamboo. It is ideal for tall hedges and quick natural privacy screens. 
The Reddish Bamboo is hardy to -20 degrees Celsius making it one of the cold-tolerant Phyllostachys bamboos to grow in the cold Winter areas of the UK and US. 

The stunning new reddish shoots are a standout feature. Definitely requires root barriers or elevated beds to contain it from spreading.

General description

  • Name: Phyllostachys rubromarginata, Reddish Bamboo, Red Margin Bamboo
  • Foliage: Evergreen.
  • Culm: Upright green canes, reddish new shoots.
  • Height: 6 - 7m, upright.
  • Spread Running bamboo, very invasive.

Growth requirement

  • Site:  Part shade to full sun.
  • Soil: Well-drained, moist soil.
  • Hardiness: – 20 degrees Celsius, hardy bamboo.
  • Use: Fast privacy screening, tall hedge, container plant, individual plant – low maintenance plant but invasive.

Grow bamboo Phyllostachys rubromarginata (Reddish bamboo)

Cultivate in contained spaces

The Phyllostachys rubromarginata can grow to 7 metres and spread very quickly. 

It may not grow to its maximum height and spread when grown in contained spaces. 

Use large heavy-duty container pots to grow this tall Phyllostachys bamboo. 

The new shoots in the second, third and successive years will be reasonably taller than the first shoots. 

So, do not be surprised if your Phyllostachys rubromarginata is taller than an average Phyllostachys bamboo in the container pots. 

This running bamboo will definitely require repotting within 3 – 5 years. 

Cultivate in the garden

The Phyllostachys rubromarginata’s evergreen foliage, tall stems, elongated branches and thick covers are great for dense hedges and screens.

It is important to know that Phyllostachys rubromarginata (Reddish bamboo ) is an invasive bamboo. 

Therefore building a bamboo barrier prior to planting it in the garden is the best thing to do. 

Like the other running bamboos, the Reddish bamboo prefers well-drained, moist soil. 

How to propagate Reddish Bamboo?

In the UK, many growers use Rhizome Cuttings to propagate the running bamboo successfully. 

You can also use Culm Cuttings or Bamboo Seeds to propagate Phyllostachys rubromarginata. Seeds are often hard to find because bamboos rarely flower. 

If you are lucky to have a rare bamboo seed, take extra care to grow them. 

This How to Grow Bamboo from Seeds Step-by-step Guide will help you to grow bamboo from seeds successfully.

Where to Buy Phyllostachys Bamboos in the UK?

The Phyllostachys Rubromarginata has a distinctive slender and upright growing habit and is hardy to -20 degrees Celsius. 

This bamboo is the best choice for large pots, tall garden hedges or quick natural privacy screens. 

It is also an ideal bamboo for landscapers, homeowners or gardeners who want fast-growing, thick and tall bamboo. 

Bamboos similar to Phyllostachys rubromarginata

Finding the tall Phyllostachys Bamboo at the local nursery or garden centre can be challenging. 

Therefore, we list 5 other bamboos that are similar to the ‘Phyllostachys rubromarginata’. 

The similarities are based on 5 important factors: the type (either running or clumping), height, foliage, hardiness and use

Details for each bamboo can be found through the links provided, click for more information.
  1. Phyllostachys Parvifolia Running Bamboo
  2. Phyllostachys flexuosa Sinuate Bamboo
  3. Edulis Moso Bamboo Phyllostachys Pubescens
  4. Giant Phyllostachys Bamboo Phyllostachys Bambusoides
  5. Black Bamboo Phyllostachys Nigra

Black Bamboo Plants UK

Phyllostachys rubromarginata is a fantastic bamboo for privacy screens and fast-growing hedging. 

Root barriers are necessary for growing this bamboo. 

At G.B.P, our goal is to provide the right information for selecting the right bamboo to grow in the garden and in pots and containers. 

We also offer bamboo growers tips and guides on how to look after your bamboo plants. You can see our work on Bamboo Care and Maintenance here.

Balcony Plants in Winter to Summer - Evergreen Bamboo Options

Bamboos are the best plants for balcony privacy. They are evergreen and are great plants for winter through to summer. 

They are undemanding and thrive in confined spaces. 

You can grow them and enjoy the greenery all year round.
Many Bamboo plants are tolerant to different soil types and conditions and that makes it easier to grow. 

Are bamboo plants suitable for balcony privacy?

Finding the best, even better the right, bamboo is what matters the most. 

Use your preferences, and what you expect of the bamboo and the table to find the right bamboo for garden screening.

Other factors to consider are, for example, how high the bamboo should grow and how much space is available for it to spread. 

These important factors have been included in this article, so you will not go wrong when selecting bamboo for balcony privacy

Furthermore, growing bamboo on the hedge as a privacy screen means that you will have to plant the bamboo close to the neighbour’s side. 

All these risk-benefit analyses are important as you choose bamboo for your garden.

Best bamboo plants for balcony privacy

Bamboo plants are a great option because there are many different kinds of bamboos. 

 Here are 5 reasons why bamboos are the best plants for balcony privacy:
  • Undemanding plants.
  • Evergreen and hardy.
  • Grow well in confined spaces.
  • Thrive in large pots and containers.
  • Grow only to a certain height and form an umbrella or arch shape.
Bamboo balcony plants grow are hardy and can withstand low winter temperatures. They do not lose their leaves in autumn, in spring new shoots grow very, and in summer they grow to their maximum height very fast.

They are hardy species, for pictures and other tips, check out this link - bamboo plants for balconies 

Fargesia murielae nitida (Black Pearl, Fountain Bamboo)


Quick links to bamboo plants for privacy and hedging

So, what kind of bamboo is best for privacy? 

Depending on what you like, here are some suggestions of living bamboo plants for creating an ideal privacy space.

In fact, this article is part of the guide. You can download the PDF file - very helpful when selecting bamboos. 

The questions are structured especially for you to eliminate the undesirable bamboo plants, leaving only the best option for you. 
Download the PDF version - Guide for Selecting Garden Hedging Bamboo.

How to select garden bamboo plants for hedging screens

Where to buy bamboo pot plants?

Bamboo plants are great for creating a living screen wall for privacy. 

They come in different heights, sizes and colours. 

Here are reliable UK retailers that sell bamboo plants and get them delivered to you.

The bamboo plants are great options for living balcony screens - they provide natural greenery as well as cover from unsightly features.

Bamboo balcony plants are hardy, they do not lose their leaves in Autumn and survive in winter pretty well. In spring new shoots grow. 

They are one of the 'hardy' evergreen plants.

What bamboo grow in shade?

There are many kinds of bamboo plants. Some prefer shade whereas others part-shade and sun. To answer the question Does Bamboo Grow in Shade? 

We list 6 bamboos that can grow in shade: 3 are running bamboos whereas the other 3 are clumping. 

Follow the links to find out more about the growth requirements and special features of each bamboo in our database.

Six bamboos to grow in shaded sites

There are many bamboos that also prefer shaded sites or undercovers. They range in size and colour. 

Let’s take a look at the 6 bamboos you can grow in the shaded sites.

what bamboo grow in shade

  • 1) Phyllostachys Nuda Bamboo Features
  • 2) Fishpole Bamboo Phyllostachys aurea
  • 3) Phyllostachys Humilis Scottish Bamboo Plants
  • 4) Fargesia papyrifera Blue Dragon
  • 5) Fargesia nitida Pillar fountain bamboo
  • 6) Fargesia murielae Simba Umbrella Bamboo

Bamboo plants for shade and part-shade

The 6 bamboos will tolerate densely shaded sites. For example, under trees and wall covers or planted as pot plants for indoor areas. 

At, we list nearly 100 bamboos that grow well in the UK. 

This list is growing as we add more bamboo plants that thrive in the UK to it. 

Many home and garden retailers in the UK sell these 6 bamboo plants. 

We recommend checking the renowned UK retailers listed here for your bamboo plants and supplies.

Can you grow bamboo plants in shade - here are 6 bamboo plants that you can grow in shade.

What running bamboos grow in shade?

The running bamboos are an invasive variety because they have running rhizomes that spread along the ground. It is important to use a root barrier before growing them.
Warning: The running bamboo plants are invasive. 

Alternatively, grow them in pots to stop the bamboo from spreading in the garden

Always use a bamboo barrier or large heavy-duty pots to grow them.

Phyllostachys Bamboo UK GBP

Can bamboo grow in shade?

Bamboo can grow in shade. The bamboos listed above are some that you can grow in shaded areas or under covers. 

One of the peculiar things about bamboo plants is that there are many varieties. Some are running, and others are clumping. 

From the 6 bamboo plants that you can grow in shade, we put them into running and clumping to make it easy to find what you want.

What clumping bamboos grow in shade?

The clumping bamboos have rhizomes that tend to form clump clusters. That means that they do not spread, instead, the clumpers will expand around the base in time. 

There is no need to worry about spreading, but you may have to prune or thin out the culms to keep them in shape.

Here is a collection of clumping bamboo plants that you can grow in the UK, some of them have been awarded the prestigious RHS awards.

fargesia nitida pillar fountain chinese bamboo

Sunlight is important for bamboo plants

Like other plants, sunlight is important for bamboo plants. 

Many of these plants grow in the tropical and sub-tropical undercovers and are tolerant to shade. You can grow the bamboos in shaded areas in the UK

Here are some points to note when growing bamboo in shaded sites, where there is a lack of sunlight. 

Positives: Bamboos will grow in shades and tend to have the following positive features.
Negatives: Bamboos that grow in shades tend to have the following negative features.
  • Leaves turn yellow and curl.
  • Browning of culms.
  • Thin leaves and culms.
  • Produce fewer shoots as the plants mature.
  • Less hardy in winter due to thin leaves and culms.

What to do to address the ‘negatives’?

As mentioned, bamboos are tolerant plants, they can grow in shaded areas. 

Apart from the need for sunlight, other factors can exacerbate the problems of growing bamboo in the shade. 

For your plants to do well in shade, ensure that the soil is nutrient-rich and well aerated. Prune and thin the old culms. Add mulch to conserve moisture and improve soil aeration.

Where necessary, add the NPK fertilisers or any slow-release fertilisers rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. 

 We covered the best practices for growing bamboo plants in this article – Bamboo Care and Maintenance Guide.

How fast does bamboo grow in the UK?

The bamboo plants grow very quickly. But how fast do they grow? 

We measured the rate of growth of Phyllostachys aureosulcata spectabilis and found out that it grew at a rate of 1.43cm per day. 

This is how fast bamboo grows in a non-native environment. 

 To put it in perspective, new shoots that grow in Spring will reach a height of 2 metres by summer in the UK. 

Check out the video showing the growth rate of the bamboo plants.


Bamboos can grow in shades. You must choose the bamboo that tolerates shades or part-shaded sites. 

 The 6 bamboos in this article will thrive in shaded areas in the UK. 

Leave a comment and let us know about your choice of bamboo. 

Follow us on YouTube Garden Bamboo Plants to see what we are up to in the Bamboo Garden.

How bamboo plants grow

Bamboo plants will give out new shoots every year in spring. These new shoots will be bigger in size and longer than the previous year’s shoots.

The size of new bamboo shoots remains the same as it matures into a culm.

how bamboo plants grow 

How do bamboo plants grow?

The growth behaviour of running and clumping bamboo plants, generally, determines how long they live. 

Whether in the garden or in pots they will grow in the same way, nonetheless. 

Bamboo plants will give out new shoots every year in spring. These new shoots grow longer than the previous year’s shoots.

Note that the bamboo shoots will get bigger as they grow year after year, but a new shoot will remain the same size as it matures into a full-grown bamboo. Read about How long bamboo plants last.

You’ll have a bigger and longer bamboo plant, and the bamboo grove will also increase in size. In retrospect, the bamboo shoots do not expand in size as the trees and shrubs do. 

The size of the new shoot remains the same until it thins out at the top at maximum height. 

A bamboo plant will reach its matured height anytime between 5 and 10 years depending on the variety. 

The common bamboos in the UK often reach their maximum heights (and produce full-size shoots) within 5 years. 

The bamboo grove can live 30 - 50 years. They have a regenerative growth pattern where new shoots will grow again and again.

So, every year you’ll have a longer plant and bigger shoots as your bamboo grove takes shape.

Bamboo plants vs bamboo grove

How long bamboo plants last depend on the growth of the individual plants and the regenerative behaviour of the plants in the grove. 

Some bamboo plants will live in the soil until the condition is right before they put out new shoots. Others will spread pretty quickly. 

Generally, the common bamboo plants that grow in the UK, US and other cooler regions will last for 30 – 50 years. And, they will continue to grow as long as the condition is right.

Tall bamboo plants in the UK

Bamboos are amazing plants, they come in different sizes, heights and colours. 

Some are clumping whereas others are running. In particular, tall bamboo plants are best for privacy screening. 

Let’s take a look at the 10 tall bamboo plants for sale in the UK and where you can get them.


10 tall bamboo plants – all you need to know

Here at GardenBambooPlants.Com, we provide information about running and clumping bamboo. They are available for free. 

We summarised the information and make it easy for our visitors to select the right bamboo. 

You can identify the uses, spread, colour, height and details of the tall bamboos that grow in the UK. 

Click on the image to find out more about the 10 tall bamboos we featured here.

tall bamboo plants grow in UK

Tall Bamboo Plants for Sale in the UK

Buy tall bamboo plants online from the UK home and garden shops. 

We are affiliate partners with renowned UK suppliers of bamboo plants and products. They deliver the highest quality plants that are ready for planting upon arrival.

Our relationship with the top UK bamboo sellers enables us to find the bamboos that you'll love. 

We refer you straight to the sales page where you can make your buy safely and securely. 

Rest assured that when you buy tall bamboo plants online, you get the best service they offer to customers.

How tall do bamboos grow?

Bamboo plants come in different heights. The Fargesia clumping bamboos are shorter than the Phyllostachys running bamboos. 

The common bamboos that grow in the UK range from 0.5 metres to 15 metres such as the Dwarf Fargesia bamboos and Chinese bamboos, respectively. 

Also, the giant bamboo (Gigantochloa verticillate) growing inside the Kew Garden Palm House is 20 metres tall, they had to snip the top off. So, there is a range of heights. 

Here at GardenBambooPlants.Com, we classify the bamboo collections into the following categories: Follow the links for more information.

How to use tall bamboo plants for screening

Some tall bamboo plants are running whereas others are clumping. They are perfect for tall privacy screens. They are undemanding plants and will grow well in the UK climate. 

The image from Kew Royal Botanical Garden shows the tall natural screen, contrasting perfectly with the plants at the front. 

Other uses include landscaping, potting plants or adding a unique focal point to your garden.

tall bamboo plants UK

Grow bamboo, enjoy the evergreen foliage

Bamboo plants are becoming a popular oriental plant and it’s easy to see why. They are fast-growing plants, undemanding and provide the evergreen cover all year round. 

You can use bamboo roots/rhizome barriers or grow them in pots to stop them from invading other spaces. 

Here is the best advice on how to grow bamboo plants, and provide the right care and maintenance.

We hope that this article points you in the right direction, where you can find the best tall bamboo plants.

Best Small Bamboo Plants for Small Gardens UK

 The Bamboo Garden at Kew Gardens London has an amazing collection of Chinese and Japanese bamboo. 

The garden holds over 130 different types of bamboo plants. In addition, the Tropical Glass House has three tropical giants.

Important: All the images are copyright materials covered under our Content Protection Notice. Contact us for more information.


Pleioblastus agenteostriatus Variegated Bamboo

It's a beautiful small running bamboo. 

This photo was taken in winter, the leaves have green and white stripes. 

In summer, these leaves are going to turn dark green contrasting beautifully with the whites. 

This spectacular variegated bamboo forms low patches with slender dark green culms to just 1 metre in height. 

The distinctive characters are in the green variegated leaves.
Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo

Pleioblastus agenteostriatus Variegated Bamboo

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda or Walking Stick Bamboo is a running variety. 

It is large and can grow to 6 metres in the wild. 

Its culms are used as walking sticks for many centuries in China and Japan.
Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda or Walking Stick Bamboo is a running variety.

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda

'Bamboo' Pleioblastus viridistriatus

Pleioblastus viridistriatus is a running variegated bamboo. 

It's perfect for gardening borders and privacy screening. 

It has beautiful purple-green culms for landscaping and adding colours to the garden. 

Check out other variegated bamboo plants.
Pleioblastus viridistriatus is a running variegated bamboo.

'Bamboo' Pleioblastus viridistriatus

Sasa nipponica

Sasa nipponica is an evergreen small bamboo that can grow to 1 metre in height, hardy and evergreen. 

It has slim culms and is comparatively small compared to other bamboos. One of the best to grow in small gardens, driveways or as ground covers and undergrowth. 

This small bamboo is undemanding and thrives in the UK climate.
Sasa nipponica is an evergreen small bamboo

Sasa nipponica

Pleioblastus fortunei

Pleioblastus fortunei (or Pleioblastus pygmaeus or Dwarf Bamboo) is a small bamboo. 

There are two types, one has variegated leaves, and the other does not have variegated leaves. 

Pleioblastus fortunei 'Variegata' is the variegated cultivar whereas Pleioblastus pygmaeus or Dwarf Bamboo is not variegated bamboo. 

Check carefully if you are buying the Pleioblastus fortunei online.

Pleioblastus fortunei

Pleioblastus fortunei

Small Bamboo Garden Kew London

Kew’s Bamboo Garden is the best place to see magnificent bamboo plants. 

As mentioned, there are over 130 running and clumping bamboo plants. The giant timber bamboo is about 20 metres tall, reaching the top ceiling of the glasshouse. 

When you’re in Kew Gardens, this is definitely a must-see. These 13 bamboos are our top picks. We hope you like the images and videos. 

Please share on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. We share bamboo gardening ideas, images and videos on YouTube. Join Us.

Japanese Bamboo Garden in United Kingdom, Kew, London

Bamboos are stunning garden plants, their gentle movements, rustling sounds of the leaves, evergreen foliage and colourful stems are some reasons they are popular. 

One place to see the bamboo in all its beauty is the Japanese Bamboo Garden at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens in London. 

The Bamboo Garden has an amazing collection of Chinese and Japanese bamboo. The garden holds over 130 different types of bamboo plants. In addition, the Tropical Glass House has three tropical giants.
Important: All the images are copyright materials covered under our Content Protection Notice. Contact us for more information. 

Chinese and Japanese bamboo gardens

Check out the images and videos of the 13 amazing bamboo plants we’ve recorded over the years. 

Let’s begin with the three giant timber bamboos that are currently growing in Kew Tropical Glass House.

Giant Timber Bamboo (Gigantochloa verticillate)

The giant bamboo is one of the largest bamboo plants you can find in the UK. 

It grows 25-30 metres in the wild, as tall as a tree. 

This bamboo is native to Southeast Asia and New Guinea. 

In the UK, this bamboo reaches over 20 metres.
Gigantochloa verticillate Giant Bamboo Gigantochloa verticillate Giant Bamboo - Kew Royal Botanic Garden (Photo: GBP - Inside Glass House)

Buddha's Belly Bamboo (Bambusa ventricosa)

Buddha belly bamboo, also known as Bambusa ventricosa, is a type of bamboo species that is known for its distinctive swollen stem, which gives it its name. Here are some reasons why:

  • Water Conservation: Buddha belly bamboo is an excellent plant for water conservation because it has a high water-holding capacity. Its swollen stem allows it to store water for long periods, which helps the plant survive during periods of drought. This makes it an ideal plant for areas that receive low rainfall or have limited water resources.

  • Nutrient Conservation: The swollen stem of Buddha belly bamboo also plays an important role in nutrient conservation. The stem stores nutrients, which are used by the plant when it needs them. This helps the plant to survive in nutrient-poor soils and reduces the need for fertilizer applications.

  • Soil Conservation: The extensive root system of Buddha's belly bamboo helps to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. The plant's roots can reach up to several meters deep, which helps to anchor the soil and prevent it from washing away during heavy rainfall or flooding.

The culms are deep dark green smooth and glossy with multiple branches growing at each node.
buddha belly bamboo

Buddha's Belly Bamboo (Bambusa ventricosa)

Bambusa vulgaris

The giant tropical bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris or Common Bamboo, grows in Kew Tropical Glass House. 

It’s an amazing bamboo with glossy green culms, large brown sheaths and hairy rims around the nodes. 

This giant timber bamboo is predominantly used in building and construction or as stakes for large garden plants in rural China.
Bambusa vulgaris

Bambusa vulgaris

Phyllostachys nigra ‘Henonis’ Black bamboo

This is a tall running bamboo with bright green stems that turn olive green. 

It is one of the Black Bamboo cultivars. 

Be careful not to confuse them with Phyllostachys bissettii. 

They both have glossy green leaves, bright green stems and evergreen arching foliage. 

However, looking closely at the matured stems, the Phyllostachys nigra f. henonis will show signs of olive-yellow canes whereas the Green Bamboo Phyllostachys bissettii canes are obviously dark green, with yellow indentations or stripes.

Phyllostachys nigra ‘Henonis’ Black bamboo

Phyllostachys bambusoides var. subvariegata

Phyllostachys bambusoides has several cultivars. 

The var. subvariegata cultivar, as seen in this image, has upright and dark glossy green culms and zigzagged internodes at the base. 

Phyllostachys bambusoides are commonly called the Japanese Timber Bamboo.

Phyllostachys bambusoides var. subvariegata Phyllostachys bambusoides has several cultivars. The var. subvariegata cultiva

Phyllostachys bambusoides var. subvariegata

Phyllostachys nidularia

Phyllostachys nidularia or Broom Bamboo is a stunning bamboo with erect canes. 

It is known as Broom Bamboo because branches and culms are great bamboo brooms. This running bamboo can grow to 4 metres. 

As a precaution, use the root barrier when growing this bamboo, it is one of the invasive species.

Phyllostachys nidularia or Broom Bamboo

Phyllostachys nidularia

Phyllostachys sulphuria var. viridis

Bamboo Phyllostachys sulphurea viridis is a running bamboo also known as the Ougon-kou Chiku or Kou-Chiku bamboo. 

It’s a stunning ornamental plant due to its appearance. 

At 4m average height, this bamboo is a great addition to woodland forests, large gardens and dense garden hedges. It is edible bamboo.
Bamboo Phyllostachys sulphurea viridis

Phyllostachys sulphuria var. viridis

Phyllostachys vivax aureosulcata

Golden Yellow Chinese Timber Bamboo Vivax Golden or Golden Yellow Cane Bamboo is a Tall and thick running bamboo, best for tall hedges and screens. 

The golden stems have spectacular bright green stripes running vertically along the internode. 

Bamboo vivax is an RHS Merit Award-winning bamboo, that grows well in a mild temperate climate.
Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo vivax phyllostachys vivax

Phyllostachys vivax aureosulcata Golden Yellow Chinese Timber Bamboo

Kew's Japanese Bamboo Garden London

Kew’s Bamboo Garden is the best place to see magnificent bamboo plants. 

As mentioned, there are over 130 running and clumping bamboo plants. The giant timber bamboo is about 20 metres tall, reaching the top ceiling of the glasshouse. 

When you’re in Kew Gardens, this is definitely a must-see. These 13 bamboos are our top picks. We hope you like the images and videos. 

Please share on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. We share bamboo gardening ideas, images and videos on YouTube. Join Us.

Why do my lucky bamboo leaves turn yellow - fix

Is your lucky bamboo turning yellow? You can potentially lose it if you do not take immediate actions to save it.
Lucky bamboo plants are not related in any way to the running or clumping bamboos, but rather one of the 40 cultivated species of the Dracaena group of plants. They are native to the Pacific Islands, especially Papua New Guinea, South East Asia and parts of Africa.

How to revive lucky bamboo turning yellow?

Lucky bamboo plants are tropical plants. 
Generally, they are resilient to high temperatures, humidity and pests in the wild. But, several factors can affect their growth indoors. 

We discuss the five common ones towards the end of this article. First, here is how to revive a lucky bamboo plant in 3 steps if it turns yellow.

You will need:

why do my lucky bamboo leaves turn yellow
Image credit: @Twitter

Step 1 – Prepping lucky bamboo stalks

Separate the dying yellow lucky bamboo. Use the pair of secateurs to tidy up the stalks and yellow leaves. 

Then, dip both the top & bottom ends of the cut lucky bamboo stalks in candle wax to prevent rotting. Then, place 3 to 5 stalks in the ‘growing medium’.

Step 2 – Making growth mixture

After that, create a growth-boosting mixture by mixing equal amounts of aloe vera gel and plant rooting powder. 

Add the mixture into the ‘growing medium’. 

Then, add water. (Aloe vera gel and plant rooting powder are ideal for reviving dying plants. They are rich in nutrients the new plants need to grow)

Buy rooting powder at YouGarden

Step 3 – Reviving lucky bamboo turning yellow

The potted plants are in the medium are ready. 

Finally, put them in a shaded area. The plants should show signs of new healthy plants after the first week.

Best way to revive a lucky bamboo turning yellow

how to revive lucky bamboo plants Image: @Twitter

Use either fresh rainwater or distilled water when replanting lucky bamboo, and when replenishing water in the pots. 

Do not use tap water as it contains chlorine which tends to disturb the growth of new roots and shoots. 

Prep the stalks neatly, and use rooting hormone and aloe vera to promote growth. Also, use a candle to stop the stems from rotting. 

The chance of lucky bamboo plants surviving is slim if the stalks have turned golden yellow, and become squishy and wrinkling. This is the point of no return. 

Separate the plant, and take action as soon as the leaves and stems turn yellow, and before the stalks turn from green to yellow.

How long before lucky bamboo plants recover?

As mentioned, the running bamboo will regenerate after 7, some quicker. But all in all, signs of new growth are eminent within the two weeks. 

After that, you can re-pot the plant or leave them to grow in the ‘growing medium’.

In a case where you do not see any activity, the best thing to do is to give the plants time to grow. Check the water and any signs of rotting in the stems.

Read about the best practices for growing lucky bamboo plants in water, soil and gravel.

Why is lucky bamboo turning yellow?

There are several reasons why lucky bamboo leaves and stalks turn yellow. Below are the 5 common reasons why the yellowing of leaves happens.

Lucky bamboo leaves often turn yellow due to the lack of one (or more of) these plants’ growth needs. 

They are important for the lucky bamboo to grow.

1. Freshwater

Use rainwater or distilled water. Lucky bamboo does not like warm water. Ensure that the water temperature remains consistent at room temperature, 20 - 25 degrees Celcius is ideal.

2. Sun

Place your lucky bamboo where it receives a good dose of filtered sunlight to regulate photosynthesis. They are tolerant to shade, but not to direct sunlight.

3. Improve humidity

Indoor air is often dry, it lacks good water content. In fact, lucky bamboo loves high humidity in the highs of 50%. 

Let fresh air indoors. This will improve transpiration which is vital for the plant's natural colours.

4. Check the indoor room temperature

Indoor temperature is higher where there are electrical appliances. Like in 3 (humidity), the indoor temperature is vital for the houseplants. 

The heat emitted by electrical appliances can affect the lucky bamboo plants. Check the indoor temperature if your plants show signs of distress.

5. Prevent rotting bamboo stalks

The lucky bamboo stalks will rot (where they are cut) when dipped in water. This is often the main cause of yellow leaves in lucky bamboo plants. 

To avoid this problem, seal the freshly cut stalks with candle wax. 

If a stalk turns yellow, it shows that it is not rooting. This is a dead plant and it should be removed and attended to immediately before it affects the other plants. 

Use the 5 tips to keep your lucky bamboo happy and stop the leaves from turning yellow. Prevention is better that cure.

Grow lucky bamboo plants

In a case where your bamboo has turned yellow, revive it by using the three steps we discussed in ‘How to revive lucky bamboo turning yellow?’ 

In an ideal situation, prevention is better than cure. Be sure to replenish the water so that it remains clear all the time. 

The bamboos are tropical plants. They will thrive in variable conditions. Attend to them immediately if you see any signs of distress in your plants.

Conclusion (Revive lucky bamboo turning yellow)

All in all, lucky bamboo plants are great indoor house plants. 

As a gardener, you need to provide them with the right condition for them to thrive. Knowing the 5 growth requirements is key to sustaining them. 

Use the 3 steps to revive lucky bamboo if the leaves turn yellow. You may like to know about the 10 facts about lucky bamboo plants. 

We hope this simple guide and best practices help you to revive your dying lucky bamboo plants.

Facts about lucky bamboo plants [Draceana sanderiana]

Lucky bamboo plants do not belong to the real bamboo family, Poaceae. They are related to the tropical water lily plants, scientifically called Draceana sanderiana

Its other names include Chinese Water Bamboo and Friendship Bamboo. 

These plants are versatile monocots with succulent stalks, which are completely different from hollow bamboo canes. 

They are native plants to the tropical regions of the South Pacific, Southeast Asia and parts of West Africa; and grow abundantly near streams or natural water pools. 

The lucky bamboo plants thrive in water and that’s why they are one of the top houseplants. 

They are traditionally given as gifts, symbolising success, health, goodness and wealth.

revive lucky bamboo plants

1. How fast do lucky bamboo plants grow?

Lucky bamboo is a relatively fast-growing plant. It can grow to 8 cm in a month, reaching its maximum height in one year.

2. How tall does lucky bamboo grow?

Lucky bamboo can grow to about 100 cm and spread 20 cm. But it also depends on whether the bamboo is growing in water, gravel or soil. Other indoor conditions can also affect its growth.

3. How long do lucky bamboo plants live?

It’s hard to say but like other indoor plants, its longevity depends entirely on the care they receive. The indoor bamboo plants can live up to 5 years where conditions are the best. 

Also, your plants can live longer if you re-pot them from water to soil.

4. What to do if lucky bamboo leaves and stalks turn yellow?

Separate the affected plants and re-grow them. 

Is your lucky bamboo turning yellow? You can potentially lose it if you do not take immediate actions to save it
The article gives clear instructions on How to revive dying Lucky Bamboo Plants in 3 easy steps.

5. Can I grow lucky bamboo in soil?

Absolutely, you can grow lucky bamboo in soil. You can also grow them in gravel and water.

6. What is the best way to propagate lucky bamboo?

The best (and probably) the only way to grow lucky bamboo is by using the ‘cuttings’.

7. Is lucky bamboo poisonous to cats?

Lucky bamboo is poisonous to cats and other pets when ingested. So, keep it out of reach of pet animals.

8. How can I grow lucky bamboo in water?

For best results, use distilled water and clear glass vases to grow lucky bamboo. Read about the best ways to grow them.

9. What is the difference between ‘propagating’ and ‘growing’ lucky bamboo?

These terms are used interchangeably, but propagating lucky bamboo refers to the initial phase of getting the plants to root and put out leaves before planting. 

Whereas, ‘growing’ is often used when re-potting (planting) a lucky bamboo that has already been rooted.

10. What is the ‘one thing’ I must do when planting lucky bamboo?

The top tip is to use distilled water every time whether you are propagating or growing lucky bamboo or replenishing water.

Why is lucky bamboo popular?

Though lucky bamboo plants are poisonous to cats, they are becoming popular, and it is easy to see why. 

They are fantastic indoor plants, undemanding and adored by traditional gardeners in many parts of the world. Their vibrant shiny green colour is hard to miss. 

They are such happy plants. They’ll grow where you put them.