Showing posts with label Garden How-to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden How-to. Show all posts

How to Grow and Prepare Pumpkin Seeds in the UK

 Pumpkin seeds are a popular snack enjoyed by people all over the world. They are also an essential part of growing pumpkins, making them a favourite of UK gardeners who love to grow their own produce. 

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about pumpkin seeds, including their benefits, how to separate them from pulp, how to dry them out, and how to prepare them for consumption.

Are Pumpkin Seeds Edible?

Yes, pumpkin seeds are edible and are considered a healthy snack. They are a good source of protein, healthy fats, fibre, and other essential nutrients. 

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw or roasted and are often used in baking, cooking, or as a garnish on top of salads.

How to Separate Pumpkin Seeds from Pulp

To separate pumpkin seeds from the pulp, start by cutting the pumpkin open and removing the seeds with a spoon. 

Place the seeds in a colander and rinse them under running water to remove any remaining pulp. Next, spread the seeds out on a paper towel and allow them to dry overnight.

PUMPKIN SEEDS UK FAQs: are pumpkin seeds edible pumpkin seeds benefits for male how to separate pumpkin seeds from pulp how to dry out pumpkin seeds how to dry pumpkin seeds air fry pumpkin seeds how to sow pumpkin seeds how to bake pumpkin seeds how to eat pumpkin seeds

How to Dry Out Pumpkin Seeds

To dry out pumpkin seeds, start by cleaning them as described above. Then, spread the seeds out in a single layer on a baking sheet and leave them in a warm, dry place for a few days until they are completely dry. 

Alternatively, you can dry them in the oven at a low temperature (around 160°F) for 15-20 minutes.

How to Dry Pumpkin Seeds

Drying pumpkin seeds is an essential step if you plan to store them for later use. 

After cleaning and drying the seeds, place them in an airtight container and store them in a cool, dry place. 

Pumpkin seeds can last up to six months if stored properly.

Air Fry Pumpkin Seeds

Air frying pumpkin seeds is a healthy alternative to traditional roasting. 

To air fry the seeds, toss them with a little bit of olive oil and your favourite seasoning. 

Place the seeds in an air fryer and cook at 350°F for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are crispy and golden brown.

How to Sow Pumpkin Seeds

To sow pumpkin seeds, start by preparing the soil. Pumpkins prefer well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-6.8. 

Plant the seeds 1-2 inches deep and 3-5 feet apart, depending on the variety. 

Water the seeds well and keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate, which can take anywhere from 5 to 14 days.

How to sow pumpkin seeds and FAQs: are pumpkin seeds edible pumpkin seeds benefits for male how to separate pumpkin seeds from pulp how to dry out pumpkin seeds how to dry pumpkin seeds air fry pumpkin seeds how to sow pumpkin seeds how to bake pumpkin seeds how to eat pumpkin seeds

How to Bake Pumpkin Seeds

Baking pumpkin seeds is an easy and delicious way to enjoy them as a snack. To bake the seeds, toss them with a little bit of oil and your favourite seasoning. 

Spread the seeds out in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are crispy and golden brown.

How to Eat Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw or roasted, and they make a great snack on their own or as a topping for salads and soups. 

You can also use them in baking and cooking to add a crunchy texture and nutty flavour to your dishes.

Grow and Prepare Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a versatile and healthy snack that can be enjoyed in many ways. 

Whether you're growing pumpkins in your garden or simply looking for a nutritious snack, pumpkin seeds are an excellent choice. 

With the information provided in this article, you can now prepare and enjoy pumpkin seeds

Sunflower Seeds: Growing Tips and Health Benefits

Sunflower seeds are a favourite among UK gardeners, homeowners, and children alike due to their easy-to-grow nature, beautiful blooms, and delicious seeds. Sunflowers can grow to great heights and produce a plethora of seeds that can be harvested for a variety of uses. 

We will discuss the best practices for growing sunflowers and harvesting sunflower seeds, as well as the benefits of consuming them.

Find out about growing and preparing Pumpkin Seeds in this article.

when are sunflower seeds ready to harvest when do you plant sunflower seeds giant sunflower seeds uk sunflower plants for sale benefits of sunflower seeds are sunflower seeds good for you sunflower seeds benefits roasted sunflower seeds

When to plant sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds should be planted after the last frost date in the spring, typically around mid to late April in the UK. 

They prefer well-draining soil and full sun exposure. Sow the seeds directly into the ground about 2cm deep and 30cm apart. 

Water the seeds regularly until they germinate, which usually takes about 7-10 days.

Giant sunflower seeds UK

If you're looking to grow giant sunflowers, there are several varieties of seeds available in the UK. 

Some popular giant sunflower seeds include:

  • Russian Giant, 
  • Skyscraper, and 
  • Titan. 
These varieties can grow up to 3 metres in height and produce massive heads of seeds.

If you prefer to skip the planting process altogether, you can purchase sunflower plants from a garden centre or nursery. 

This is a great option for those who want to enjoy the beauty of sunflowers without the hassle of growing them from seed.

When are sunflower seeds ready to harvest?

Sunflower seeds are ready to harvest when the back of the flower head turns yellow or brown, and the petals have fallen off. 

Cut the head off the stem and place it in a warm, dry location to allow the seeds to dry out fully. 

Once the seeds are dry, gently rub them to remove the seeds from the head.

when are sunflower seeds ready to harvest when do you plant sunflower seeds giant sunflower seeds uk sunflower plants for sale benefits of sunflower seeds are sunflower seeds good for you sunflower seeds benefits roasted sunflower seeds

Benefits of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium. 

They also contain healthy fats and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. 

Consuming sunflower seeds regularly has been linked to improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and lower cholesterol levels.

Are sunflower seeds good for you?

Yes, sunflower seeds are good for you! 

As mentioned, they are packed with essential vitamins and minerals and contain healthy fats and antioxidants. 

They make a great addition to a balanced diet and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, from roasted and salted to added to salads and baked goods.

Roasted sunflower seeds

Roasting sunflower seeds is a popular way to enjoy them. 

Simply spread the seeds on a baking sheet and roast them in the oven at 180C for about 10-15 minutes, or until they are golden brown. 

You can add salt, herbs, or spices to the seeds before roasting them to add flavour.

Growing Tips and Health Benefits

All in all, sunflower seeds are a versatile, nutritious, and easy-to-grow addition to any garden or diet. With the right growing conditions and care, sunflowers can thrive and produce a bountiful harvest of delicious seeds. 

So go ahead and get planting, and enjoy the many benefits of these beautiful flowers and their tasty seeds!

Outsmarting Slugs: Proven Methods to Stop Them from Eating Plants

Gardeners in the UK are no strangers to the problem of slugs eating their plants. This article will explore science-backed methods to keep slugs away from your garden and protect your plants.

Science-Backed Ways to Keep Slugs Away

Natural Predators

Encouraging natural predators like hedgehogs, birds, and frogs in your garden can help keep slugs away. 

Creating habitats for these predators, like log piles or ponds, can help attract them to your garden.

How to Stop Slugs from Eating Plants - how to stop slugs eating plants

Barriers: Stop Slugs from Eating Plants

  • Copper Tape: Copper tape is an effective barrier to slugs as it gives them a mild electric shock when they come into contact with it. Applying copper tape around the base of pots or raised beds can help keep slugs away from your plants.

  • Sand and Gravel: A layer of sand or gravel around your plants can make it difficult for slugs to move across, helping to keep them away from your plants.

  • Eggshells: Crushed eggshells can act as a barrier to slugs, as their sharp edges can cause discomfort to their soft bodies. Sprinkling crushed eggshells around the base of plants can help keep slugs away.

  • Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds have been found to repel slugs, as the caffeine content can cause them harm. Sprinkling used coffee grounds around the base of plants can help keep slugs away.
  • Garlic wash: Strong smell of garlic also repels slugs. Be sure to make up some garlic wash and start applying generously every week. This is so important as your plants in the greenhouse and garden start shooting through.

For more home & gardening ideas, check out out website, click here

Repellents: Stop Slugs from Eating Plants

  • Homemade: Some homemade repellents like garlic spray, vinegar solution, or soapy water can help keep slugs away from your plants. These can be sprayed directly onto the plants or around the base of the plants.

  • Commercial: There are also several commercial repellents available in the market, like slug pellets or copper mesh. Before using any commercial repellent, make sure to read the label carefully and follow the instructions.

Visit our sales page to see the list of UK suppliers of commercial repellents.

How to Stop Slugs from Eating Plants

There are several science-backed methods to keep slugs away from your plants in the UK. 

Encouraging natural predators, using barriers like copper tape or eggshells, and using homemade or commercial repellents can all be effective ways to protect your plants. 

Don't let slugs ruin your garden, try these methods today

Sensory Garden Plants, Flowers, Style and Planting Ideas

Growing your own plants can be a very rewarding experience. It can also be challenging and time-consuming. But with the right amount of time, effort and knowledge, you can grow an amazing sensory garden in your backyard.

Sensory Garden Plants - Style and Planting Ideas

Creating a sensory garden allows your child to experiment with different textures, such as soil, rocks, water, mud, seeds, new sprouts, leaves, roots, and even weeds. 

It also teaches children perseverance and patience. 

There are different plants that evoke each of the five senses.

In this video, you'll see the different design styles, plants and planting ideas that you need to create a stunning sensory garden for your children.

What is a sensory garden?

A sensory garden is an outdoor space that includes plants with textures, colours, shapes and smells that stimulate all of the senses. 

It is a garden for all children but even more so for those with autism spectrum disorder, learning challenges, and behaviour difficulties. 

This garden gives children the opportunity to explore the world and learn about plants. They can enjoy it without any distractions, just them and their senses.

How to Grow Bamboo from Cuttings [12 MONTHS 6 VIDEO UPDATES]

I grow the Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo, Phyllostachys vivax f. areosulcata from Rhizome cuttings in August last year.  The bamboo plants are a year old and are looking great.
It has been a year of learning to grow bamboo from cuttings. It requires care for the delicate new shoots where I kept the snails away, staked the new bamboo shoots and watered them during the warm summer months.

how to propagate bamboo UK

Height of the bamboo plants - measured

I measure the height of the bamboo plants at 2 weeks (August), 4 & 6 weeks (September) and 8 weeks (October). The growth pattern I observed was interesting

The fast-growing bamboo shoots reached over 60cm in 8 weeks (2 months).

By the end of the 12th month, the height of the longest bamboo was 106cm which means that the bamboo shoot grew only 40cm in 10 months.
But, something interesting happened during that time. [Watch the 1 Year Video Update to find out what happened]

VIDEOS UPDATES: How to Grow Bamboo from Rhizome Cuttings

This raw video list shows the work that I did over the period of 12 months, from the summer of 2021 to 2022.

Video 1: Grow Bamboo in the Propagating medium (2 weeks growth)

I used a bucket as a bamboo propagator. Planted the rhizomes in the bucket for 2 weeks until the roots and shoots germinated before transplanting them into Holding Pots.

Video 2: Bamboo Growing in the Propagating medium (4 weeks growth) New Growth Eaten by Slugs

I had to stop the slugs from eating the new shoots by applying slug & snail pellets.  It worked.

Video 3: Transplanting new bamboo from Propagator to Holding Pot (4 weeks growth)

Video 4: Calculating the Growth Rate of Bamboo in the Pots (8 weeks growth) - how fast does bamboo grow in a day?

In this video, I measured the height of the new bamboo shoots for 8 weeks and found the growth rate of this bamboo.

Video 5: How tall a bamboo grows in one year

From my observations, a new shoot will grow super fast in the first two months.

Then, put out branches and leaves and establish the rooting underground.

The first shoot can reach a metre to two metres, eventually doubling the height as it grows.

Video 6: What happens as a new bamboo plant grows? [Expected Height by Year]

Like most plants, a newly planted bamboo will not reach its full height in the first year.

Each year the bamboo will grow taller, in some cases twice as tall as the previous plant.

It will reach its matured height in 4-5 years and last for as long as 20-30 years.

Notably, a bamboo grove can last even longer due to the bamboo plant's re-generative growth behaviour, unlike the trees.

Important note about bamboo propagation

Different bamboo plants have different growth rates and patterns, features, soil, light & shade preferences.

Also, the propagation technique (seedlings, rhizome cutting, stem cuttings, etc) used will affect the growth of new bamboo plants. 

In this particular work, I am propagating the Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo, Phyllostachys vivax f. areosulcata from Rhizome cuttings.

Use it as an informational guide to growing the tall Phyllostachys from the rhizome cuttings. 

Phyllostachys Aurea Golden Bamboo [Fishpole Bamboo]

Phyllostachys aurea Fishpole Golden Bamboo is an all-rounder, slim running bamboo, that grows well in shade, part shade and sun, with spectacular evergreen slender leaves and light green stems that mature to golden yellow.

This is one of the best bamboo plants to grow for garden bamboo sticks because of its thick and slender tall stems.

phyllostachys aurea UK


Golden Bamboo Phyllostachys aurea UK sales

The RHS has recognised Phyllostachys aurea for its outstanding garden features.

Check out the UK bamboo suppliers.

  • Identification: Phyllostachys aurea, Fishpole Bamboo, Golden Bamboo.
  • Site: Tolerant bamboo, grows in full sun to partial shade and shade.
  • Soil: Prefers moist and well-drained loose soil (sand and loam), doesn’t like compacted soil.
  • Uses: Excellent for hedging, screening, windbreak, or pots and containers.
  • Winter hardiness: Hardy to - 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Height: Fast-growing plant, 2 – 4m.
  • Spread: Running bamboo, allow space to spread or contain in large pots.
  • Foliage: Light green to yellow foliage all year round.
  • Stem: Slender bright green matures to golden yellow in full sun.
best bamboo sticks for plants in pots and garden Phyllostachys aurea gives the best garden sticks

Uses Phyllostachys aurea Fishpole Bamboo

Although the fishpole bamboo is tolerant to shade, it grows well in part shade and sun. 

Sufficient sunlight will result in a significant transformation in the colour of the culms (stems) and foliage from green to golden yellow. 

This running bamboo behaves more like the clump-forming bamboo in the UK where it is cooler. Here are two other running bamboo plants that act like clumpers.

However, the rhizomes are invasive where the soil is loose and rich in moisture and nutrients, so grow it where there is enough space for them to grow.

The Phyllostachys aurea is an ideal bamboo for hedging, privacy screening and windbreak in the garden. It is also an excellent bamboo plant for medium to large pots and containers.

Notably, it does not like soggy soil and it definitely does not like compacted soil. It prefers well-drained loamy soil, loose and rich in moisture.

Propagate  Phyllostachys aurea

Bamboo growers are propagating Phyllostachys aurea from seeds and rhizome cuttings, and base separation.

However, bamboo seeds are often hard to buy near you because they do not flower regularly.

The 2 best ways to propagate Phyllostachys aurea

  • is by base separation and
  • from rhizome and culm cuttings.

This video shows the work we did at Garden Bamboo Plants UK.

Phyllostachys aurea Grow and Care Tips

The new growth will require care and attention. 

Slugs adore the tender new growths, they can wipe off the fresh leaves in one visit if left unprotected.

If you are propagating bamboo plants either from the rhizome or culm cuttings or planting a recent purchase, protect the new growths by adding Slug and Snail Killer. 

(Check out where to buy Bamboo and bamboo supplies)

Perhaps it is important to note that despite its clump-forming nature, the Phyllostachys aurea is a running bamboo.

The bamboo's horizontal rhizomes can spread to an average of 4m if left unchecked. It is best to give it space to grow.

Alternatively surround the roots with root barriers to restrict the rhizomes from spreading.

Better to grow Phyllostachys aurea where there is enough space, away from strong wind. 

It can also be grown in large pots and containers to contain its spreading.

Facts about Phyllostachys aurea

The matured Fishpole Golden bamboo will thrive in well-drained loamy soil with high moisture and nutrient contents.

Like most bamboo plants in the UK, they do not like compacted dry soils such as new building sites or roads and pathways.

In addition, the matured bamboos thrive on what is available in the soil, they will occasionally need feed and water. 

A regular check is recommended if you are growing them in containers.

The browning of the culms or yellowing of the leaves are signs of the plant in distress. Here is an article on how to revive your bamboo plants where they show signs of distress.

Check the soil by inspection or digging to 10 cm depth to find out if the soil is too dry. Add, mulch fertiliser or any plant feed if necessary.

If your Phyllostachys aurea plant outgrows the container and shows distressing signs, it is calling for you to separate the plants and re-pot them.

Also, prune the old culms ideally in early Spring for the new growth to take over.

We invite you to check out our YouTube Channel – Amazing Bamboo Plants.

Best ways to keep squirrels away from strawberries and tomato fruit

Squirrels can cause a lot of damage in the garden, especially when it comes to fruiting plants such as tomatoes and strawberries.

So how can you keep squirrels away from the ripe fruit and berries?

Here are three tried and tested DIY methods that work every time. 

Garden net

Building a garden net is the best way to stop squirrels from stealing ripe tomatoes and strawberries.

Here is what we did last summer to keep the squirrels away.

Fruit shopping bags

The fruit-netted shopping bags work wonders when it comes to preventing the squirrels from getting to fruit and berries.

Check out the fruit cage for sale.

You can also use the Ziploc bags and Covid19 kit bags.

Put the bunch of new fruit inside a bag or the bag over the pot and seal it off.

Here is a photo of how we used the fruit-netted shopping bags.

keep squirrels away from strawberries UK
Netted shopping bag keeping Squirrels away from ripe strawberries

Bamboo wind chime (natural squirrel repellant)

A bamboo wind chime makes beautiful musical sounds in the rustle of the wind. Place the wind chime close to where the plants are fruiting.

The sounds and gentle movement of the bamboo wind chime are natural squirrel repellants.

stop squirrels eating tomatoes
Bamboo wind chime on tomato frame to deter squirrels

Squirrel deterrent spikes

Tomato plants and strawberries grown in pots are very easy to protect with a few bamboo skewers.

Place the skewers with the pointed edge facing upwards to stop squirrels in their tracks.

The bamboo spikes are good squirrel deterrents. 

They will leave the ripe tomatoes alone.

Other squirrel deterrents

There are possibly many ways to deter rodent from tomatoes, strawberries, carrots and other fruit, berries and veggies.

The three are tried and tested methods that work every time.

Let us know if you have an effective way to keep squirrels away from tomatoes and strawberries

How to make tomato plants produce more fruit?

Want to know the best way to make tomato plants produce more fruit? There is no hidden secret but to encourage the plant to produce more flowers - the more flowers, the more tomato fruit. 

This video shows how we build a bamboo frame for the tomato plants and encourage more flowers. 

How to make tomato plants produce more fruit?

Many factors affect the growth and fruiting of tomato plants. The common factors include soil, temperature, water and weather. 

Come factor we can control, others are natural and we are dependent on them to give us good harvests.

As far as the much-loved tomato plants are concerned, growers need to provide the best condition for the to give more fruit. And, leave the rest to nature to do its bit. 

Get the Tomato Grow Bags from the UK suppliers

Prune tomato plants for more fruit

You can prune tomato plants to produce more fruit. 

Remove the early leaves to channel the energy into the main plant to produce more flowers and more fruit. 

Also, remove the tips so that the tomato plant does not grow too tall, or too short.

Yet, for tomato plants to produce more fruit they must have lots of flowers. And the flowers must be successfully pollinated, either manually or by bees.

How tall can you let tomato plants grow?

But, how can you get the balance between pruning and the height of the tomato plant so that they produce lots of fruit in summer?

It is important to gardeners that more flowers means more fruit. 

Tomato plants flower at different stages. That means that they fruit at different stages, too.

So, if you want more fruit, you'll have to let the tomato flower at 3 or 4 different stages which means that you'll have tall plants that need support.

Build a strong bamboo frame using bamboo sticks to support the tall tomato plants. [SEE VIDEOS]

So, grow your tomato plants early in summer in nutrient-rich soil, grow bags and pots.

Encourage more flowers by not snipping the tips off early. Get the balance between prunning, watering and staking right.

That way, your tomato plants will produce more fruit.

Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

What Bamboo Plants Can You Grow In Pots for Outdoors and Indoors?

The common running and clumping bamboo plants in the UK will grow well in large planters. Many bamboo cultivators of both bamboo kinds are notable for their tolerance to small spaces.

In fact, bamboo plants are low demanding, hardy and drought resistant.

They are great plants to grow in pots, containers and plants indoors and outdoors. 

Check out best ways to grow healthy bamboo in potsor see our sales page where you can find the renowned UK Home & Garden retailers for bamboo plants and supplies.

What bamboo to grow in pots UK

Many bamboo growers have opted to go for the clumping bamboo. 

But there are also great running bamboo that you can grow as pot plants for privacy screening the balcony, porch, deck or patio.

Notably, the small to medium bamboos are great pot and container plants. 

The small to medium bamboo plants range from a height of 2 metres to 6 metres. 

We have featured the popular bamboo plants in the UK here: Small Bamboo and Medium Bamboo Plants.

How to grow bamboo in pot and container planters?

In the case where you decide to keep the bamboo plants, here is what you can do to repot them into larger pots or additional containers.

  • Separate the plant into even clumps, careful not to destroy the root hairs and or rhizomes.
  • Prune the old culms (canes/stems), leaves, and excess roots.
  • Select a good (open-top & stable) pot or container planter.
  • Lay the base with porous sheets, pebbles or gravel.
  • Fill the pot with a 50/50 potting mixture or loam soil.
  • Put the bamboo into the pot, compact the soil into the pot leaving 10cm to 15cm space at the top.
  • Add mulch,
  • Water generously.

To separate the bamboo, you’ll need the right tools. 

An electrical saw is the best tool to separate the bamboo. However, a hacksaw is an ideal hand tool to use when separating the bamboo for replanting. 

Shade-loving Clumping Bamboo Fargesia murielae ‘Dino’

Fargesia murielae 'Dino' is a fantastic clumping bamboo plant, hardy and shade tolerant. 

It has bright green stems turning yellow-green as it matures an excellent bamboo for planting in pots and containers, rarely reaching any more than 5 metres in height. 

This clumping bamboo will thrive in most situations, but preferably in well-drained moist soil. Tolerant of shade and a very reliable clumping bamboo.

General description

  • Name: Fargesia murielae ‘Dino, Bambus Dino
  • Foliage: Evergreen, upright.
  • Culm: light green with shiny brown sheath, turning yellow.
  • Height: 3 – 5m.
  • Spread: 0.5 – 2m, clump-forming.

Growth requirement

  • Site: Full sun, part shade and shade.
  • Soil: Well-drained moist soil.
  • Moisture: Well-drained and moist.
  • Hardiness: Fully hardy bamboo.
  • Use: ornamental plant, pots and containers, landscaping, architecture, individual plant.

Where to buy Fargesia murielae 'Dino'?

We feature prominent UK Home and Garden retailers where you can buy bamboo plants, tools and products. 

clumping bamboo uk

How to grow Fargesia murielae Dino?

Grow in pot and container

Fargesia murielae ‘Dino’ is a tough plant it will thrive in contained spaces where conditions are suitable. 

This bamboo is great as a windshield or as a privacy screen for apartments or terraces. 

Water well and ensure the soil remains moist until the new bamboo plants are well established in the pots or containers.

Grow in the garden

This clumping bamboo is a standout in the garden due to its long culms, pointy tips and brown shiny sheaths. 

Unmistakable among other vegetation and plants in the garden, Dino is a great ornamental bamboo with its evergreen foliage. 

This bamboo is also a good addition as either a garden centrepiece or decoration.

Propagate clumping bamboo ‘Dino’

This clumping bamboo is best propagated by clump-base separation.

Other techniques for growing such bamboo plants include stem cuttings and air layering of the branches. 

Maintain Fargesia murielae ‘Dino’

Bamboos, like other plants, will require attention to grow well. 

The care tips will help your Fargesia murielae ‘Dino’ remain healthy. 

In this other article, we provide a detailed guide to Bamboo Care and Maintenance, it gives further details on Before and After Care.

Thinning & Pruning

Trim the old culms to promote new healthy growth. 

Also, trim the new shoots to control the clumping bamboo Dino from expanding, often done once or twice a year to keep the plant under control.

Pruning bamboo is intensive work compared to thinning bamboo. 

Dig and remove the parts of the bamboo that have outgrown the allocated space, also an ideal time to take the bamboo divisions for replanting. 

Often done after 4 or 5 years.


Mulching is a highly recommended care and maintenance job to keep the soil moist and protect the bamboo from frost and frozen soils. 

Always use the bamboo leaves as mulch since they contain silicon which is naturally high in nitrogen. 

Organic mulch such as tree barks, and grass cuttings mixed with twigs and branches are also great bamboo mulch. 

The best time for mulching is early in Spring before the new bamboo shoots come out; or late in Autumn when you expect cold Winter.


Maintain Fargesia murielae ‘Dino’ in Shade

The clump formers are non-invasive bamboos, however, clumpers in pots and containers will require repotting after 4 or 5 years. 

It is often hard work removing the bamboos from a pot or container when they’ve filled out the space. Perhaps it is important to select the right pots before planting your bamboo plants. 

The best pots for planting bamboos have stable bases and opened tops - here is a Guide to Selecting the Right Pot for planting the Running and Clumping Bamboos. 

Also, the clumping bamboos in the garden do not grow out of the allocated space as the running bamboos do. Nevertheless, they tend to expand around the base. 

This clumping habit is visible as the new shoots grow into culms and the underground base buds thicken. 

In such cases, you’ll have to prune the whole plant which is also the ideal time to get new plant divisions and bamboo sticks.

Fargesia murielae Dino shade-loving bamboo

All in all, the Fargesia murielae ‘Dino’ is a stunning bamboo to grow in pots or use as landscaping and architectural plants in the garden.
It is one of the best bamboo plants to grow in full shaded sites.

How to maintain invasive running bamboo Phyllostachys parvifolia

Running bamboo plants are resistant to harsh conditions. However, if you see that your running bamboo plants' leaves are turning yellow are dying, you must act fast to save them.

A little care and maintenance will save your plant from dying.

why is my bamboo dying


How to care for dying running bamboo?

The tall running bamboo is susceptible to frost, frozen soils and poor growing conditions. 

And especially, new plants will need attention to grow and establish themselves in the first and second years. 
 So, how can you care for the dying running bamboos? 
Often plants that come in pots have lots of water and tend to thrive on plant food in the nursery. 

It is perhaps important to check the soil if you have re-potted your bamboo. 

Importantly, ensure that there is good soil and that the growing pot is not waterlogged. This could be the main reason why the leaves are turning yellow. 

Another reason why your bamboo plants are dying can be attributed to the soil where the plants are growing. Check this article for the best soil for growing bamboo

If you are satisfied that you’ve done the right thing, but your bamboo is still dying the last option is to dig the whole plant and repot it. 

Also work out whether you’ve planted the bamboo in the right site - shade, part shade or sun. 

 You could potentially lose the whole plant if you do not do anything.

In most cases, bamboo yellowing and dying are due to poor soil, waterlogged area, unconducive weather or unsuitable site. 

How to maintain invasive running bamboo

Bamboos, like other plants, will require attention to grow well. 

For the best result, maintain your running bamboo, Phyllostachys parvifolia. 

Prune and add mulch when your plants grow big.

Prune bamboo

Pruning bamboo is intensive work compared to thinning bamboo. 

Dig and remove the parts of the bamboo that have outgrown the allocated space. 

This is an ideal time to take the bamboo divisions for replanting and getting bamboo sticks for use in the garden.

Add mulch to bamboo grove

Mulching is a highly recommended care and maintenance job. 

It will keep the soil moist and protect the bamboo from frost and frozen soils. 

The bamboo leaves are fantastic mulch since they contain silicon which is naturally high in nitrogen. 

In addition, tree barks or other organic mulch rich in moisture are also good for bamboo plants.
The best time for mulching and fertilising is early in Spring before the new bamboo shoots come out, or late in Autumn when you expect cold Winter.

Buy Running Bamboo for screening and hedging

Phyllostachys parvifolia bamboo is an ideal privacy screen for apartments, balconies, porches or any small outdoor space. 

It is also an ideal garden hedge plant because you can prune the leaves and new shoots to give it a neat appearance. 

Here are some great places where you can buy the running bamboos for screening and hedging.

Grow Clumping Fargesia murielae 'Ivory Ibis'

Fargesia murielae 'Ivory Ibis ' is a clump-forming umbrella bamboo. This bamboo is a standout, it has upright dense culms and ivory evergreen foliage. 
It is an ideal choice for a formidable natural hedge or privacy screen. 
Bamboo Ivory Ibis is an undemanding bamboo hardy to -25 degrees Celsius and can also tolerate prolonged dry periods. Excellent bamboo for pots and containers, too.

General description

  • Name: Fargesia murielae ‘Ivory Ibis’, Umbrella bamboo 'Ivory Ibis'
  • Foliage: Evergreen, white shade on leaves (ivory).
  • Culm: Upright, green stem, dense.
  • Height: 3 - 4m, medium height bamboo, can be pruned.
  • Spread: 2 - 3m, clump-forming.

Growth requirement

  • Site: Shade, part shade to full sun.
  • Soil: Clay and heavy soil (prefer well-drained moist soil)
  • Hardiness: – 25 to –20 degrees Celsius.
  • Use: Individual plant, pots, hedge, privacy screen.

Buy Fargesia murielae Ivory Ibis

Ivory Ibis bamboo is an ideal plant for privacy screening apartments, balconies, porches or any small outdoor place. 

It is also an ideal hedge plant in the garden because you can prune the leaves and new shoots. 

You can get more information on bamboo plants, tools and natural bamboo products from the renowned UK Home and Garden retailers we work with. 

5 Fargesia murielae bamboos similar to ‘Ivory Ibis’

Finding this bamboo at the local nursery or garden centre can be hard, therefore we provide 5 alternative bamboos that are similar to the ‘Ivory Ibis’. 

The similarities are based on 5 important factors: Fargesia bamboo, similar height, similar foliage, and similar hardiness and can be used as a hedging screen.
  1. 'Red Zebra'
  2. 'Dino'
  3. 'Blue Lizard'
  4. 'Blue Dargon'
  5. 'Frosty Bamboo'

Fargesia Blue Dragon Bamboo how to grow

We also featured a special group of Award-Winning Bamboo Plants
These bamboos received the RHS Merit Award in the UK and other Bamboo Awards for their notable garden features. 

If you are having difficulty selecting bamboo, this group of bamboo plants will not disappoint you.

Working with bamboos

The clumping bamboo plants such as the 'Ivory Ibis' are non-invasive bamboos, however, clumpers in pots and containers will require repotting after 4 or 5 years. 

Many bamboo growers will attest to the fact that it is often hard work removing the bamboo from a pot or container when they’ve filled out the space. 

To make the work lighter, always select the right pots before planting your bamboo plants. 

The Fargesia group of bamboos are generally well-behaved, however, the underground bamboo parts expand around the base. 

This clumping habit is visible as the new shoots grow into culms and the underground base buds thicken. 

The culms of the Ivory Ibis will definitely require thinning and pruning after the first 3 years because of their dense culm clusters. 

This is the ideal time to prune the whole plant and get new plant divisions and bamboo sticks

clumping bamboo plants UK Examples of bamboo sticks in use in pots and patio

Fargesia murielae Ivory Ibis

All in all, the Fargesia murielae ‘Ivory Ibis’ is an excellent bamboo for hedging and privacy screens. 

Its dense upright culms and thick foliage are the perfect features for creating a natural dense cover. 

At G.B.P, our goal is to provide the right information for selecting the right bamboo to grow in the garden and in pots and containers. 

Based on our experience, we also offer bamboo growers’’ tips and guides on how to provide the right care and maintenance for bamboo plants. 

You can see most of our work on YouTube.

How to Grow Edible bamboo Plants - Incense Bamboo

Bamboo shoots from a small group of bamboo are edible. If you are thinking of growing a bamboo plant and also enjoy the shoots, Incense bamboo is one great option.

It's a great bamboo that does well in waterlogged areas and produces new shoots in abundance. Check out the full info on Incense Bamboo.

phyllostachys atrovaginata Incense edible Bamboo Phyllostachys atrovaginata (Incense Edible Bamboo)  

How to grow Incense Bamboo?

Plant in contained spaces

Phyllostachys atrovaginata is a massive plant to grow in pots and containers, but its edible shoots and scented leaves are adorable features many bamboo enthusiasts cannot ignore. 

Use large heavy-duty container pots to grow this timber bamboo. Note that the new shoots in the second, third and successive years will be reasonably taller than the first shoots. 

So, do not be surprised if your Phyllostachys atrovaginata is taller than an average Phyllostachys bamboo in the container pots. 

This running bamboo will definitely require repotting within 3 – 5 years.

Plant in the garden

Phyllostachys atrovaginata’s tall dark shoots, thick upright stems and distinct incense are excellent for creating a calm and serene atmosphere outdoors or in the garden. 

Also a preferable bamboo for large botanical gardens, woodland forests, walkways and tall privacy screens. 

Perhaps it's important to note that the Phyllostachys atrovaginata Incense Bamboo is an invasive Timber Bamboo. 

Therefore building a bamboo barrier prior to planting it in the garden is the best thing to do. Here are tips for building a Formidable Bamboo Barrier in the Garden

Unlike the other running and clumping bamboo, the Incense Bamboo can grow in soggy soil. 

This bamboo has long hollow (straw-like) roots that can penetrate deep into the soggy soil, and enable it to absorb vital nutrients it requires to survive. 

So, if you want to grow bamboo near a soggy site, the Phyllostachys atrovaginata is the ideal bamboo.

UK Bamboo Plants for Sale 
Large Bamboos for temperate and subtropical areas

Propagate Phyllostachys atrovaginata Incense Bamboo

By rhizome cuttings

In the UK, many growers use Rhizome Cuttings to propagate the running bamboo successfully. 

By seed propagation

You can also use Culm Cuttings or Bamboo Seeds to propagate Phyllostachys atrovaginata. 

Seeds are often hard to find because bamboos rarely flower. If you are lucky to have a rare bamboo seed, take extra care to grow them. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on How to Propagate Bamboos from Seeds

By air layering

Air layering is another technique used successfully to propagate temperate and subtropical large bamboo plants such as the Timber Bamboos. 

This is like budding, instead, put some garden compost under the bamboo branch and cover it to promote root growth before transplanting. 

Though we have not tried it yet, we have seen people doing it successfully in the US and Australia.

5 bamboo art and craft ideas - storage boxes

Bamboo canes are not only strong material, some have hollow chambers that you can cut out to make simple storage.
Other bamboo plants also have a thick interior which can be carved out to produce cups, storage boxes, and tubes and do 'arty and crafty' things.

DIY bamboo storage box, tube and cup

DIY Bamboo storage box, tube and mug

Bamboos are extremely hollow in the middle, slim and long. 

They are best for storing pencils and pens, toothbrushes and slim many other similar everyday items. 

The cup-like tubes are also best for storing secret documents, paintings and important documents. 

Storage boxes you can make out of bamboo

  • Pencil storage box
  • Water cups or mugs
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste storage.
  • Secret storage box or tube.

Take a look at how to make 5 bamboo storage ideas for the household items that you should know. 

They are incredibly easy to make!

Bamboo garden uses

Bamboo has been used in many gardening hacks, too. Here is a video of how we use bamboo as one of the materials for this box.

10 Bamboo DIY projects with pictures and videos

Balcony Plants in Winter to Summer - Evergreen Bamboo Options

Bamboos are the best plants for balcony privacy. They are evergreen and are great plants for winter through to summer. 

They are undemanding and thrive in confined spaces. 

You can grow them and enjoy the greenery all year round.
Many Bamboo plants are tolerant to different soil types and conditions and that makes it easier to grow. 

Are bamboo plants suitable for balcony privacy?

Finding the best, even better the right, bamboo is what matters the most. 

Use your preferences, and what you expect of the bamboo and the table to find the right bamboo for garden screening.

Other factors to consider are, for example, how high the bamboo should grow and how much space is available for it to spread. 

These important factors have been included in this article, so you will not go wrong when selecting bamboo for balcony privacy

Furthermore, growing bamboo on the hedge as a privacy screen means that you will have to plant the bamboo close to the neighbour’s side. 

All these risk-benefit analyses are important as you choose bamboo for your garden.

Best bamboo plants for balcony privacy

Bamboo plants are a great option because there are many different kinds of bamboos. 

 Here are 5 reasons why bamboos are the best plants for balcony privacy:
  • Undemanding plants.
  • Evergreen and hardy.
  • Grow well in confined spaces.
  • Thrive in large pots and containers.
  • Grow only to a certain height and form an umbrella or arch shape.
Bamboo balcony plants grow are hardy and can withstand low winter temperatures. They do not lose their leaves in autumn, in spring new shoots grow very, and in summer they grow to their maximum height very fast.

They are hardy species, for pictures and other tips, check out this link - bamboo plants for balconies 

Fargesia murielae nitida (Black Pearl, Fountain Bamboo)


Quick links to bamboo plants for privacy and hedging

So, what kind of bamboo is best for privacy? 

Depending on what you like, here are some suggestions of living bamboo plants for creating an ideal privacy space.

In fact, this article is part of the guide. You can download the PDF file - very helpful when selecting bamboos. 

The questions are structured especially for you to eliminate the undesirable bamboo plants, leaving only the best option for you. 
Download the PDF version - Guide for Selecting Garden Hedging Bamboo.

How to select garden bamboo plants for hedging screens

Where to buy bamboo pot plants?

Bamboo plants are great for creating a living screen wall for privacy. 

They come in different heights, sizes and colours. 

Here are reliable UK retailers that sell bamboo plants and get them delivered to you.

The bamboo plants are great options for living balcony screens - they provide natural greenery as well as cover from unsightly features.

Bamboo balcony plants are hardy, they do not lose their leaves in Autumn and survive in winter pretty well. In spring new shoots grow. 

They are one of the 'hardy' evergreen plants.

How far do bamboo plants spread?

How far do bamboo plants spread? There are different types of bamboo plants, some are running bamboo plants and others are clumping bamboo plants. 

The running bamboo plants do spread, so 'always' build a bamboo barrier when growing the running varieties.

how to build bamboo root barriers 5 easy ways

How long do bamboo plants spread?

Always use the bamboo roots/rhizome barrier when growing the running bamboo plants. They are invasive. 

The rhizomes will spread to other parts of the garden if you do not have a barrier in place. We recommend putting in a root barrier before growing the running bamboo. 

Alternatively, grow bamboo in heavy-duty pots. The bamboo plants will start to spread in the first year of planting. In fact, the rhizomes are underground stems. 

The new (running) shoots growing above the ground indicate that new rhizomes are also growing underground. 

The growth is prominent after 5 years. That means that bamboo can stay inactive underground until the condition is right for them to put out new shoots.

So, the running bamboo plants will spread after you’ve planted them or remain inactive until the condition is right. 

Either way, always use a bamboo barrier when growing the running bamboo.

Building a bamboo root barrier

Check out the video and see how we build the running bamboo root barrier.

How far do bamboo plants spread? There are different types of bamboo plants, some are running bamboo plants and others are clumping bamboo plants. Always build a root barrier when growing the running bamboo plants. 

How bamboo plants grow

Bamboo plants will give out new shoots every year in spring. These new shoots will be bigger in size and longer than the previous year’s shoots.

The size of new bamboo shoots remains the same as it matures into a culm.

how bamboo plants grow 

How do bamboo plants grow?

The growth behaviour of running and clumping bamboo plants, generally, determines how long they live. 

Whether in the garden or in pots they will grow in the same way, nonetheless. 

Bamboo plants will give out new shoots every year in spring. These new shoots grow longer than the previous year’s shoots.

Note that the bamboo shoots will get bigger as they grow year after year, but a new shoot will remain the same size as it matures into a full-grown bamboo. Read about How long bamboo plants last.

You’ll have a bigger and longer bamboo plant, and the bamboo grove will also increase in size. In retrospect, the bamboo shoots do not expand in size as the trees and shrubs do. 

The size of the new shoot remains the same until it thins out at the top at maximum height. 

A bamboo plant will reach its matured height anytime between 5 and 10 years depending on the variety. 

The common bamboos in the UK often reach their maximum heights (and produce full-size shoots) within 5 years. 

The bamboo grove can live 30 - 50 years. They have a regenerative growth pattern where new shoots will grow again and again.

So, every year you’ll have a longer plant and bigger shoots as your bamboo grove takes shape.

Bamboo plants vs bamboo grove

How long bamboo plants last depend on the growth of the individual plants and the regenerative behaviour of the plants in the grove. 

Some bamboo plants will live in the soil until the condition is right before they put out new shoots. Others will spread pretty quickly. 

Generally, the common bamboo plants that grow in the UK, US and other cooler regions will last for 30 – 50 years. And, they will continue to grow as long as the condition is right.

Why do my lucky bamboo leaves turn yellow - fix

Is your lucky bamboo turning yellow? You can potentially lose it if you do not take immediate actions to save it.
Lucky bamboo plants are not related in any way to the running or clumping bamboos, but rather one of the 40 cultivated species of the Dracaena group of plants. They are native to the Pacific Islands, especially Papua New Guinea, South East Asia and parts of Africa.

How to revive lucky bamboo turning yellow?

Lucky bamboo plants are tropical plants. 
Generally, they are resilient to high temperatures, humidity and pests in the wild. But, several factors can affect their growth indoors. 

We discuss the five common ones towards the end of this article. First, here is how to revive a lucky bamboo plant in 3 steps if it turns yellow.

You will need:

why do my lucky bamboo leaves turn yellow
Image credit: @Twitter

Step 1 – Prepping lucky bamboo stalks

Separate the dying yellow lucky bamboo. Use the pair of secateurs to tidy up the stalks and yellow leaves. 

Then, dip both the top & bottom ends of the cut lucky bamboo stalks in candle wax to prevent rotting. Then, place 3 to 5 stalks in the ‘growing medium’.

Step 2 – Making growth mixture

After that, create a growth-boosting mixture by mixing equal amounts of aloe vera gel and plant rooting powder. 

Add the mixture into the ‘growing medium’. 

Then, add water. (Aloe vera gel and plant rooting powder are ideal for reviving dying plants. They are rich in nutrients the new plants need to grow)

Buy rooting powder at YouGarden

Step 3 – Reviving lucky bamboo turning yellow

The potted plants are in the medium are ready. 

Finally, put them in a shaded area. The plants should show signs of new healthy plants after the first week.

Best way to revive a lucky bamboo turning yellow

how to revive lucky bamboo plants Image: @Twitter

Use either fresh rainwater or distilled water when replanting lucky bamboo, and when replenishing water in the pots. 

Do not use tap water as it contains chlorine which tends to disturb the growth of new roots and shoots. 

Prep the stalks neatly, and use rooting hormone and aloe vera to promote growth. Also, use a candle to stop the stems from rotting. 

The chance of lucky bamboo plants surviving is slim if the stalks have turned golden yellow, and become squishy and wrinkling. This is the point of no return. 

Separate the plant, and take action as soon as the leaves and stems turn yellow, and before the stalks turn from green to yellow.

How long before lucky bamboo plants recover?

As mentioned, the running bamboo will regenerate after 7, some quicker. But all in all, signs of new growth are eminent within the two weeks. 

After that, you can re-pot the plant or leave them to grow in the ‘growing medium’.

In a case where you do not see any activity, the best thing to do is to give the plants time to grow. Check the water and any signs of rotting in the stems.

Read about the best practices for growing lucky bamboo plants in water, soil and gravel.

Why is lucky bamboo turning yellow?

There are several reasons why lucky bamboo leaves and stalks turn yellow. Below are the 5 common reasons why the yellowing of leaves happens.

Lucky bamboo leaves often turn yellow due to the lack of one (or more of) these plants’ growth needs. 

They are important for the lucky bamboo to grow.

1. Freshwater

Use rainwater or distilled water. Lucky bamboo does not like warm water. Ensure that the water temperature remains consistent at room temperature, 20 - 25 degrees Celcius is ideal.

2. Sun

Place your lucky bamboo where it receives a good dose of filtered sunlight to regulate photosynthesis. They are tolerant to shade, but not to direct sunlight.

3. Improve humidity

Indoor air is often dry, it lacks good water content. In fact, lucky bamboo loves high humidity in the highs of 50%. 

Let fresh air indoors. This will improve transpiration which is vital for the plant's natural colours.

4. Check the indoor room temperature

Indoor temperature is higher where there are electrical appliances. Like in 3 (humidity), the indoor temperature is vital for the houseplants. 

The heat emitted by electrical appliances can affect the lucky bamboo plants. Check the indoor temperature if your plants show signs of distress.

5. Prevent rotting bamboo stalks

The lucky bamboo stalks will rot (where they are cut) when dipped in water. This is often the main cause of yellow leaves in lucky bamboo plants. 

To avoid this problem, seal the freshly cut stalks with candle wax. 

If a stalk turns yellow, it shows that it is not rooting. This is a dead plant and it should be removed and attended to immediately before it affects the other plants. 

Use the 5 tips to keep your lucky bamboo happy and stop the leaves from turning yellow. Prevention is better that cure.

Grow lucky bamboo plants

In a case where your bamboo has turned yellow, revive it by using the three steps we discussed in ‘How to revive lucky bamboo turning yellow?’ 

In an ideal situation, prevention is better than cure. Be sure to replenish the water so that it remains clear all the time. 

The bamboos are tropical plants. They will thrive in variable conditions. Attend to them immediately if you see any signs of distress in your plants.

Conclusion (Revive lucky bamboo turning yellow)

All in all, lucky bamboo plants are great indoor house plants. 

As a gardener, you need to provide them with the right condition for them to thrive. Knowing the 5 growth requirements is key to sustaining them. 

Use the 3 steps to revive lucky bamboo if the leaves turn yellow. You may like to know about the 10 facts about lucky bamboo plants. 

We hope this simple guide and best practices help you to revive your dying lucky bamboo plants.