How do bamboo plants grow and how long they live

Bamboo plants are either runners or clumpers. The running bamboos are invasive and should be planted within barriers or in pots. Clumping bamboos are exotic plants that are not invasive. Both bamboo types can thrive for many years in the garden, but how long do they really live

This article provides the insight into growth behaviour of bamboo plants and how long a bamboo grove can survive.

Check out an extended version of this article - how fast bamboo plants grow and how far they spread.

garden bamboo plants

How do bamboo plants grow?

The growth behaviour of running and clumping bamboo plants, generally, determines how long they live. Whether in the garden or in pots they will grow in the same way, nonetheless.

Bamboo plants will give out new shoots every year in spring. These new shoots will be bigger in size and longer than the previous year’s shoots. 

Every year you’ll have a bigger and longer bamboo plant, and the bamboo grove will also increase in size. In retrospect, the bamboo shoots do not expand in size as the trees and shrubs do. The size of the new shoot remains the same until it thins out at the top at maximum height. 

A bamboo plant will reach its matured height anytime between 5 and 10 years depending on the variety. 

The common bamboos in the UK often reach their maximum heights (and produce full-size shoots) within 5 years. So, every year you’ll have a longer plant and bigger shoot as your bamboo grove takes shape.

How long do bamboo plants live?’

There are many different types of bamboo plants from the dwarf varieties to the giant timber bamboo plants. They can live for many years in the garden. Some estimation puts them between 30 – 50 years, but they can live longer.

As mentioned, bamboo groves re-generate by putting new shoots out every year. This growth behaviour means that they can thrive for much longer than anticipated.

To put it in perspective, a single bamboo shoot will mature within 5 - 7 years and live for about 10 - 15 years within a bamboo grove. It will produce new shoots, resulting in an expanding bamboo grove.
This re-generative growth pattern means that bamboo plants can live and thrive for many years after they are planted.
However, bamboo plants that grow in pots and barriers do not last longer than those grown in open spaces. They’ll struggle to survive in the contained spaces.

Bamboo plants can last up to 30 years, and bamboo groves can last longer

Life expectancy of common bamboo plants

The growth and regenerative behaviours of bamboo plants, mentioned earlier, are important factors that determine the life expectancy of bamboo plants.

The table shows the general life expectancy of a garden bamboo plant in the garden or in pots and containers.


Grow medium


Shoot Garden         6 – 12 months to mature
Plant Garden     5 - 7 years to mature (requires selective pruning)
Grove Garden         30 – 50 years
Shoot Outdoor Pot     3 - 6 months to mature
Plant Outdoor Pot     2 - 5 years (requires selective pruning)
Grove Outdoor Pot     5 – 10 years (requires repotting)

The Giant Timber Bamboo plants take up to 7 years to mature and live for as long as 50 years in their natural environment. They are massive plants which reach above 10 metres in height.

In the UK, you can see the Giant Timber Bamboo in full growth at the Kew Garden Palm House.

If you want to find out about the running and clumping bamboo plants, follow these links:

Bamboo plants vs bamboo grove

How long bamboo plants last depend on the growth of the individual plants and the regenerative behaviour of the plants in the grove. 

Some bamboo plants will live in the soil until the condition is right before they put out new shoots. Others will spread pretty quickly.

Generally, the common bamboo plants that grow in the UK, US and other cooler regions will last for 30 – 50 years. And, they will continue to grow as long as the condition is right.

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