Best Small Bamboo Plants for Small Gardens UK

 The Bamboo Garden at Kew Gardens London has an amazing collection of Chinese and Japanese bamboo. 

The garden holds over 130 different types of bamboo plants. In addition, the Tropical Glass House has three tropical giants.

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Pleioblastus agenteostriatus Variegated Bamboo

It's a beautiful small running bamboo. 

This photo was taken in winter, the leaves have green and white stripes. 

In summer, these leaves are going to turn dark green contrasting beautifully with the whites. 

This spectacular variegated bamboo forms low patches with slender dark green culms to just 1 metre in height. 

The distinctive characters are in the green variegated leaves.
Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo

Pleioblastus agenteostriatus Variegated Bamboo

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda or Walking Stick Bamboo is a running variety. 

It is large and can grow to 6 metres in the wild. 

Its culms are used as walking sticks for many centuries in China and Japan.
Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda or Walking Stick Bamboo is a running variety.

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda

'Bamboo' Pleioblastus viridistriatus

Pleioblastus viridistriatus is a running variegated bamboo. 

It's perfect for gardening borders and privacy screening. 

It has beautiful purple-green culms for landscaping and adding colours to the garden. 

Check out other variegated bamboo plants.
Pleioblastus viridistriatus is a running variegated bamboo.

'Bamboo' Pleioblastus viridistriatus

Sasa nipponica

Sasa nipponica is an evergreen small bamboo that can grow to 1 metre in height, hardy and evergreen. 

It has slim culms and is comparatively small compared to other bamboos. One of the best to grow in small gardens, driveways or as ground covers and undergrowth. 

This small bamboo is undemanding and thrives in the UK climate.
Sasa nipponica is an evergreen small bamboo

Sasa nipponica

Pleioblastus fortunei

Pleioblastus fortunei (or Pleioblastus pygmaeus or Dwarf Bamboo) is a small bamboo. 

There are two types, one has variegated leaves, and the other does not have variegated leaves. 

Pleioblastus fortunei 'Variegata' is the variegated cultivar whereas Pleioblastus pygmaeus or Dwarf Bamboo is not variegated bamboo. 

Check carefully if you are buying the Pleioblastus fortunei online.

Pleioblastus fortunei

Pleioblastus fortunei

Small Bamboo Garden Kew London

Kew’s Bamboo Garden is the best place to see magnificent bamboo plants. 

As mentioned, there are over 130 running and clumping bamboo plants. The giant timber bamboo is about 20 metres tall, reaching the top ceiling of the glasshouse. 

When you’re in Kew Gardens, this is definitely a must-see. These 13 bamboos are our top picks. We hope you like the images and videos. 

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