Five suppliers of bamboo plants in the UK

Many UK garden centres supply bamboo plants. Also, there are many online bamboo suppliers which you can get you bamboo plants from. Here are five bamboo suppliers that offer bamboo plants and related products. You can buy them online or in store near you.

1. Bamboo Land UK 

Bamboo Land UK offers a wide range of bamboo plants and bamboo-related products, including bamboo poles and bamboo flooring. They also offer free delivery on all orders over £50.

2. Bamboo Garden

 Bamboo Garden has been growing and supplying bamboo plants for over 25 years. They offer a wide range of species, including Phyllostachys bambusoides and Fargesia murielae, as well as bamboo-related products such as bamboo fencing and bamboo flooring.

3.  Bamboo Grove

Bamboo Grove offers a wide selection of bamboo plants, including both clumping and running varieties. They also offer bamboo-related products such as bamboo poles and bamboo flooring.

4. Bamboo Direct

 Bamboo Direct specialises in bamboo plants and offers a wide variety of species suitable for the UK climate. They also offer bamboo-related products such as bamboo poles and bamboo flooring and provide information and advice on caring for your bamboo plants.

5. Bamboo World

Bamboo World specialises in bamboo plants and offers a wide variety of species suitable for the UK climate. They also provide information and advice on caring for your bamboo plants.

If you need help, check out the list of UK bamboo suppliers on this page.




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