Which of the following plants is perennial but does not show interflowering period?

 Which of the following plants is perennial but does not show an interflowering period?

a) Rose

b) Sunflower

c) Tulip

d) Bamboo

Which of the following plants is perennial but does not show interflowering period?


The correct answer is d) Bamboo.

Bamboo is a perennial plant, meaning it lives for more than two years. However, unlike many other perennial plants, bamboo does not show an interflowering period. This means that bamboo plants do not produce flowers and reproduce through traditional flowering and seed production methods. 

Instead, bamboo reproduces through a unique process called vegetative reproduction. They send out underground rhizomes that give rise to new shoots, creating a dense clump of bamboo plants. 

While some bamboo species may occasionally produce flowers after several decades, it is not a regular occurrence and does not follow a predictable interflowering period like other perennial plants.

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