How to propagate bamboo from seeds

Propagating bamboo from seeds is the best way to get many plants growing at the same time. 

It will take a long time if you take into consideration the germination period to potting in grow pots and holding pots.

But, it can be a delight to get new bamboo plants from seeds.

The steps will help you to increase your success rate when propagating bamboo that way.

This page contains articles on how to propagate healthy bamboo plants - check out the archive for more info.

how to propagate bamboos from seeds

Soak seeds

Step 1: Firstly, soak the bamboo seed in a bowl of water for 20 - 24 hours. 

The water should not be too hot or too cold. Hot temperatures will destroy the bamboo seeds.

Cooler temperatures are likely to delay the seeds from germinating, 22 – 25 degrees Celsius are ideal for soaking bamboo seeds.

Prepare compost and grow pots

Step 2: Prepare the compost in a pot or tray, space the seeds out at 1 - 2cm intervals and sprinkle a fine layer of compost on the top.

Control temperature and moisture

Step 3: Use a seed propagator if you have one. 

If you do not have one, use a clear plastic bag big enough to cover the pot or try completely.

Seeds germinate well where it is not too hot or too cool, so maintain the germinating temperature of 22 – 26 degrees Celsius.

Seeding site

Step 4: Place your potted seeds in a site where there is shade. 

Check the potted seeds daily. You should see the first sign of sprouting after 10 – 15 days.

Seeds care

Step 5: It can take up to 30 days for all the seeds to germinate, some seeds may take longer. 

Check that the leaves are green and healthy, and the soil remains moist.

Elevate the clear plastic cover, of the lid if you are using a propagator so that the leaves do not touch the sides of the covers.

Here is an in-depth article on how to propagate bamboo plants for the seeds.


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