How to grow bamboo from rhizomes

Bamboo plants grow well from rhizome cuttings - use the steps for growing healthy bamboo plants.

This propagation method works for the running bamboo because they have elongated rhizomes. Note that the rhizomes are in fact underground stems with nodes and internodes. 

Cut carefully along the nodes as new bamboo plants germinate at the node.

How to grow bamboo from rhizomes

You can use the 5 steps to propagate both clumping and running bamboo for their rhizomes.

Careful at the nodes

Step 1: Separate the rhizomes from the parent bamboo plants. 

Careful not to break the rhizome tips and new shoots or buds growing at the rhizome’s nodes.

Preserve new shoots

Step 2: Cut the rhizomes 4 - 6 buds using pair of secateurs. 

The best tip is to preserve new shoots at the nodes as they have a high chance of germinating when propagated into pots.

If you are taking cuttings from the main clump, leave 2 – 3 small culms on it. 

You can also use the rhizome tips/shoots as new cuttings.

 Water immediately

Step 3: Water both the new cuttings and the parent bamboo plant thoroughly. 

Place the new cuttings straight into a bucket of water so that they don’t dry out.

You can dip the bamboo into growth hormone to boost root growth.

Plant cuttings in good soil

Step 4: Fill a large 20 – 30 cm pot or container with potting mix or loam soil (mixture of equal parts sand, silt and clay).

If you need more information about soil prep, check out this article.

Step 5: Make several holes in the soil and plant the rhizome cuttings with the shoots and rhizome buds facing up. Water the newly planted rhizomes cuttings thoroughly.

Depending on the size of the cuttings, you may need more than one pot. Place the pot in a shaded area, away from direct sun.

The Rhizomes will take about four to six weeks to grow. So, water consistently but do not overwater.

Here is an in-depth article on how to grow bamboo plants from rhizome cuttings.

This page contains articles on how to propagate healthy bamboo plants 

- check out the archive for more info.

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