3 best ways to propagate lucky bamboo plants at home

Lucky bamboo is a popular houseplant. But, keen growers are asking 'how can I propagate lucky bamboo plants? You will also need to know how to provide ongoing care for your bamboo plants.

There are 3 common ways to propagate a lucky bamboo plant.

Propagation by
  • stem and shoot cuttings,
  • separation (plant division) and
  • seeds.
how to propagate lucky bamboo plants

How can I take cuttings from lucky bamboo plants?

Before propagating lucky bamboo, take the cuttings either from the main stalks or side shoots. The lucky bamboo plant grows quicker from cutting than from the root separation and seeds.
  • To take the cuttings from the main stalk, cut 3 – 5 cm away from the node. As for the new side shoots, take the cutting as close as you can to the main stalk, the new shoot will re-generate so you do not have to worry.
  • Tidy up the first 2 – 4 sheaths along the cuttings to make way for the roots to germinate.
  • Coat the freshly cut ends with candle wax to stop them from rotting.
  • Now, the cuttings are ready for propagating in growing mediums.

How can I propagate stalk and shoot cuttings?

Lucky bamboo cuttings prepared above will thrive in water, soil and gravel. In this case, we’ll use soil as the propagating medium.
  • Put cuttings in a growing pot.
  • Add well-drained potting soil so that it covers 2 or 3 rooting nodes.
  • Water generously, use distilled water.
  • Set aside in a well-ventilated location where there is good indoor light.
  • Water regularly for 7 to 14 days after planting until you see signs of growth.
Top tip. Always use distilled or rainwater as they are free from chlorine which is the main cause of rotting in these plants.
What is the difference between propagating and growing lucky bamboo plants? Take a look at the top 10 FAQs on lucky bamboo plants.

How can I propagate lucky bamboo by plant divisions?

You can propagate lucky bamboo by plant divisions by separating the stalks from a recent purchase or removed from another pot. 

You can use soil, water or gravel as a growing medium. In this case, we’ll use soil.
  • Tidy up any loose leaves, roots and ends.
  • Cover any freshly cut ends with candle wax to prevent rotting.
  • Prepare a regular pot with loam or potting soil. Place gravels or rock at the bottom of the pot for drainage
  • Place the plant divisions in the pot and cover the first 2 – 3 nodes with soil.
  • Water generously. (To promote root growth, mix some rooting powder with water)
  • Set aside in a well-lit location, away from direct sunlight and busy areas.
Top tip: Within 1 to 2 weeks, new roots and shoots should appear. Water once or twice each week. There is no need to water regularly if you are using loam soil as it has a high water retention capacity. Keep a close watch for signs of rooting and new shoots. Avoid giving the lucky bamboo fertilisers at this early stage.

How can I propagate lucky bamboo plants from seeds?

It takes a long time to get real lucky bamboo plants from seeds. In fact, it can take 6 – 12 months from potting the seeds to getting a real plant. 

Also, lucky bamboo does not flower regularly, that’s why it’s often hard to get the seeds locally. The best thing is the satisfaction of propagating your own plant! 

So, here are the steps you can follow if you are ambitious.

Propagating lucky bamboo from seed:
  • Place the seeds out on a wet paper towel or white cloth. The seeds are black and small, so be careful when handling them.
  • Prepare the grow pots. Add well-drained moist soil or potting soil. Avoid using regular garden soil because it may have snails and slugs in them.
  • Put the seeds about 1 cm to 1.5 cm into the soil. Space them out evenly.
  • Water generously and place them in the greenhouse or in a shaded site until they germinate.
After propagating bamboo from seeds
  • Check and water regularly, but do not overwater.
  • Gently pull out the plants that are 10 cm in height and move them into pots until all your plants have been transplanted.
  • Do not empty the growing pot (tray) because some seeds may remain dormant in it. Leave them for a further 2 or 3 weeks until you are absolutely certain that all the seeds have germinated.
Top tip: It can take up to 2 weeks, even longer, for the lucky bamboo seeds to germinate. Once the new plants reach 10 cm to 15 cm tall, transplant them into larger pots. Ensure that the soil you are using is rich in nutrients and well-aerated. Lucky bamboo plants do not like waterlogged soil, do not overwater the plants.

How long does lucky bamboo take to grow?

The propagated plants can take about 2 weeks to 4 weeks for the first signs of growth to appear. 

It depends entirely on the method you are using and the initial care you give to them. Read about the best practices and care guide for lucky bamboo plants

Some plants will take longer, so be patient. Either way, the best thing is to enjoy watching your lucky bamboo plants grow.


All in all, you are likely to get healthy plants much faster from the stalk and shoot cuttings than by plant divisions and from seed propagation. 

We hope that the 3 ways help you to propagate lucky bamboo plants. Let us know in the comment which method suits you.

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