How to grow lucky bamboo indoor plants

How to grow lucky bamboo indoor plants: Lucky bamboo symbolises the beauty of life. Traditionally, it is a symbol of hope. Today, they are one of the great house plants you can grow.

This article gives insight into the best practices on how to grow lucky bamboo plants in water, soil and gravel.
how to grow lucky bamboo plants

How to grow healthy lucky bamboo from cuttings?

Lucky bamboo plants are visually appealing in glass vases, cover pots and containers. Traditionally, the stalks are cultivated in groups of 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 21. 

Each group symbolises hope and well-being. It is bad luck if the stalks are not planted in these symbolic groups. Here are the three ways to grow healthy lucky bamboo plants.

1. Can lucky bamboo grow in water?

Reassuringly, lucky bamboo plants thrive in water and it’s clear to see why they are popular vase plants. Follow these steps to grow or re-pot the bamboo plants.
  • Firstly, separate the stalks carefully, and avoid ripping the roots and leaves.
  • Place the stalks in a clear glass vase. Space them out evenly.
  • Then, add distilled water and plant food. Add plant rooting powder if available to promote root growth.
  • Place the glass vase away from direct sunlight until fresh roots and leaves appear.
  • Move the plants to the ideal site when they’ve shown signs of growth. Now, enjoy your plants.
Top tip: Use a clear glass vase to plant lucky bamboo in water and enjoy the roots as they emerge and find their way around it. Replace the water when it becomes saturated (unclear). Use less tap water because of the presence of chlorine which can kill your plant. Feed the lucky bamboo with plant food occasionally, at least twice a year.

2. Can lucky bamboo grow in soil?

Lucky bamboo grows pretty well in well-drained soil. So, use well-drained potting soil. This is probably the best medium for growing healthy lucky bamboo when re-potting the old plants or propagating new ones. 

Use pots that can hold the lucky bamboo with good spacing in between the stalks. 

Water regularly because potting soils are well-aerated and tend to lose water very quickly.
  • Firstly, get some regular cover pots that have holes at the bottom, and fill them with well-drained potting soil.
  • Separate the lucky bamboo plants neatly.
  • Put 2, 3 or 5 in pots. Space them out evenly so that they stand upright.
  • Then, add distilled water. Do not overwater.
  • Place the potted plants in a shaded location, away from direct sunlight, until the plants have shown signs of growth.
  • Finally, move them to a designated site indoors. Do not move the plants around regularly as the movements can damage the plants.
Top tip: Lucky bamboo plants are not fussy plants. But they dislike waterlogged soil. So, when growing lucky bamboo in soil, use well-drained potting soil and water regularly.

3. Can lucky bamboo grow in gravel?

Absolutely, lucky bamboo also thrives in gravels, pebbles and rock chips.
  • Firstly, find a clear glass vase, and fill it with enough gravel so that it can completely cover the roots.
  • Put 2, 3 or 5 lucky bamboo stalks in the vase, and space them out evenly so that they stand upright. Then, add distilled water until it reaches the top of the gravel.
  • Then, place the glass vase in a shaded site until the roots are well established. (Avoid placing the new plants in direct sunlight)
  • Finally, move the bamboo plants to the desired location after signs of growth are visible.
Top tip: Wash the gravel thoroughly before using it. You can also use plant rooting powder to promote root and leaf growth. Generally, lucky bamboo plants do occasionally require plants feed, not more than twice a year. They are undemanding and will thrive in indoor conditions.

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Yellowing of leaves and stalks is a sign that the lucky bamboo plant is under stress because of one (or more) of the following limitations. 

The five limitations are the common causes of stress in lucky bamboo plants.
  • 1. Lack of freshwater
  • 2. Direct sunlight
  • 3. Low indoor humidity
  • 4. High indoor temperature
  • 5. Rotting stalks
Your plants will be happy if you can identify (and improve) the five limitations that inhabit the growth of lucky bamboos. 
Check the linked article, we cover the best conditions for thriving bamboo plants, so that you can minimise the yellowing of leaves and stalks

Grow lucky bamboo indoor plants

All in all, lucky bamboo plants are not fussy about where they grow or what medium they grow in. They are undemanding plants and will happily thrive in water, soil or gravel. 

To help the bamboo plants enjoy a stress-free environment, create a conducive indoor atmosphere. 

We hope this article helps you to grow your lucky bamboo. 

If you have any questions, leave a comment below. We’ll be happy to help.

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