How to maintain invasive running bamboo Phyllostachys parvifolia

Running bamboo plants are resistant to harsh conditions. However, if you see that your running bamboo plants' leaves are turning yellow are dying, you must act fast to save them.

A little care and maintenance will save your plant from dying.

why is my bamboo dying


How to care for dying running bamboo?

The tall running bamboo is susceptible to frost, frozen soils and poor growing conditions. 

And especially, new plants will need attention to grow and establish themselves in the first and second years. 
 So, how can you care for the dying running bamboos? 
Often plants that come in pots have lots of water and tend to thrive on plant food in the nursery. 

It is perhaps important to check the soil if you have re-potted your bamboo. 

Importantly, ensure that there is good soil and that the growing pot is not waterlogged. This could be the main reason why the leaves are turning yellow. 

Another reason why your bamboo plants are dying can be attributed to the soil where the plants are growing. Check this article for the best soil for growing bamboo

If you are satisfied that you’ve done the right thing, but your bamboo is still dying the last option is to dig the whole plant and repot it. 

Also work out whether you’ve planted the bamboo in the right site - shade, part shade or sun. 

 You could potentially lose the whole plant if you do not do anything.

In most cases, bamboo yellowing and dying are due to poor soil, waterlogged area, unconducive weather or unsuitable site. 

How to maintain invasive running bamboo

Bamboos, like other plants, will require attention to grow well. 

For the best result, maintain your running bamboo, Phyllostachys parvifolia. 

Prune and add mulch when your plants grow big.

Prune bamboo

Pruning bamboo is intensive work compared to thinning bamboo. 

Dig and remove the parts of the bamboo that have outgrown the allocated space. 

This is an ideal time to take the bamboo divisions for replanting and getting bamboo sticks for use in the garden.

Add mulch to bamboo grove

Mulching is a highly recommended care and maintenance job. 

It will keep the soil moist and protect the bamboo from frost and frozen soils. 

The bamboo leaves are fantastic mulch since they contain silicon which is naturally high in nitrogen. 

In addition, tree barks or other organic mulch rich in moisture are also good for bamboo plants.
The best time for mulching and fertilising is early in Spring before the new bamboo shoots come out, or late in Autumn when you expect cold Winter.

Buy Running Bamboo for screening and hedging

Phyllostachys parvifolia bamboo is an ideal privacy screen for apartments, balconies, porches or any small outdoor space. 

It is also an ideal garden hedge plant because you can prune the leaves and new shoots to give it a neat appearance. 

Here are some great places where you can buy the running bamboos for screening and hedging.

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