Care for clumping bamboo Fargesia murielae 'Ivory Ibis'

The well-established Ivory Ibis bamboo is hardy and can tolerate cold winters. Also, this bamboo can also withstand drought, but it will not survive prolonged dry spells. 

Its hardiness and drought resistance make this bamboo an excellent pot plant for roof terraces or apartments and other small outdoor spaces. 
Newly potted Ivory Ibis bamboo will require a good amount of water. 

Also, ensure that the soil remains moist but well-drained until the new plant has rooted; and new shoots have grown into matured culms.

Find out more about this clumping bamboo, its features and growing habits.

best pot and container planters for growing bamboo in the UK Bamboos are great pot & container plants

Propagate Fargesia murielae 'Ivory Ibis'

To propagate new Ivory Ibis bamboo, separate the clump base into several divisions and grow them in propagation pots before planting them in pots or in the garden. 
Here is a Complete Guide for Propagating Bamboo by clump-base division. 
The bamboo’s clump base will expand within 4 – 5 years. Meanwhile, you can enjoy the natural screen and greenery this bamboo provides.

Care & maintenance

Bamboos, like other plants, will require attention to grow well. 
The 6 pointers below put in perspective what you can do to ensure that your clumping bamboo, Fargesia murielae ‘Ivory Ibis’, remains healthy.
  • Thinning bamboo plants once or twice a year to promote new growths and keep the plant under control. Selectively trim the old culms and new shoots that you do not want within the bamboo grove.
  • Pruning bamboo is intensive work compared to thinning bamboo. Dig and remove the parts of the bamboo that have outgrown the allocated space. This is an ideal time to take the bamboo divisions for replanting and get bamboo sticks for use in the garden.
  • Bamboos are tolerant to pests and diseases in the UK, however, slugs adore the new shoots and leaves. If you a planting a new Fargesia murielae ‘Ivory Ibis’ or expecting fresh growth in Spring, always add Slug and Snail Pellets to protect them.
  • Bamboos may not need fertilisers regularly, but the old plants will benefit from the added nutrients. The NPK fertilisers or any that is high in nitrogen are ideal options.
  • Mulching bamboo plant is a highly recommended care and maintenance job. It will keep the soil moist and protect the bamboo from frost and frozen soils. Always use the bamboo leaves as mulch since they contain silicon which is naturally high in nitrogen.

Buy Fargesia murielae Ivory Ibis

Ivory Ibis bamboo is an ideal plant for privacy screening apartments, balconies, porches or any small outdoor place. 

It is also an ideal hedge plant in the garden because you can prune the leaves and new shoots. 

You can get more information on bamboo plants, tools and natural bamboo products from the renowned UK Home and Garden retailers we work with. 

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