How does a bamboo plant grow? [VIDEO]

This is an important question because after growing a bamboo plant, you’d be anticipating that lush evergreen screen. Right?

The video info gives clarity on how a bamboo plant grows from year to year. If you want to know how fast bamboo grows, check out this article.

But, bamboo plants like other plants will take time to grow to reach full height and maturity. This video shows first-year growth. 

Under the right conditions, bamboo plants will provide that beautiful greenery within 3 years. The first growth will continue to mature for up to 5 years and, interestingly, remain evergreen for up to 20 years.

The new shoots will be taller than the previous growth until the bamboo grove reaches its maximum height. 

Thereafter, the bamboo grove will remain evergreen for as long as it can.

As the bamboo matures, you will need to prune the old bamboo culms and rhizomes to promote new growth. Or transplant the ones that outgrow the pots. 

Here are some guides to bamboo Care and Maintenance Tools that you will find useful if you have older bamboo plants in your garden.

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