How to remove bamboo without chemicals?

Want to remove bamboo plants without chemicals? Find out about the 4  best ways to kill bamboo plants and stop them from spreading.

Bamboo rhizomes are hard to remove when they spread out. Digging the rhizomes is a perfect way to kill the bamboo permanently.

When is the best time to remove bamboo?

The best time to kill bamboo is in late Spring when new growths are coming out but discard the bamboo cutting safely as they will grow back.

Also, early Summer is a good time to do that because the warm weather will inhabit any new growths.

Discard the rhizome cuttings in storage or bin free of moisture where they will not grow.

Remove bamboo stems and rhizomes

Non-chemical way to kill your bamboo is better for the environment. But it is painstakingly hard work.

You will need

  • Pickaxe
  • Spade or shovel 
  • Pairs of secateurs or garden loppers

remove bamboo without chemicals

How to remove bamboo without chemicals?

Before starting to remove bamboo plants, make sure that the area is nice and clean - clear of any hazards.

The steps will help you to get started.

Use Pairs of secateurs or garden loppers

1: Use a pair of secateurs or garden loppers to cut down the stems, remove the branches and store the bamboo canes for future use.

2: Cut all the rhizomes and pull them out. 

Then, cut them into small pieces and store them in a dry place until they dry out. Do not discard them straight away because if you do, they will grow back.

Also, pour hot water or vinegar over the newly cut rhizome to kill them permanently.

Use a pickaxe as a lever

3: The rhizomes grow on the top layer of the soil, so dig down and along or around the bamboo plant. 

Use the pickaxe as a lever to uproot the rhizomes. If it is too strong, cut the rhizomes into sections as it will be easy to remove.

Use a spade to remove soil

4: Remove any soil around the bamboo roots and base of the parent plant. 

Keep the cutting in direct sun or pour boiling water on them to stop the cutting from growing again.

If you want to remove bamboo permanently, you must remove all rhizomes, including the cuttings and discard them away from your property.

4 Best ways to kill bamboos plants permanently

Although bamboo plants are evergreen and adorable plants adorable, the rate at which they grow can be troublesome. 

The running bamboo plants spread aggressively and take up any space very quickly if left unchecked for 2 – 3 years. 

One of these methods may be ideal for you when removing bamboo plants, check the links for details:

  • Cut stems and dig rhizomes to kill bamboos
  • Pour boiling water on shoots
  • Cut and burn to kill bamboos
  • Apply vinegar
Get all the tips on how to remove bamboo.

Note: Get it done professionally. The work is painstakingly hard.

If you want to do it yourself, here are 4 ways to kill bamboo plants permanently.

Understanding and working with bamboos

If you want to know the methods for killing bamboo fast, skip this part and read the method that you wish to use in the article. 

In fact, understanding the features of the bamboos’ roots, rhizomes and stems can reduce the effort required to kill the bamboos.

The bamboos are put into two groups: Running bamboos and Clump-forming bamboos. (We covered this in detail here – Bamboo Varieties that Thrive in the UK). 

In the open, the running rhizomes may grow to an average depth of 30 - 40cm. 

Although this depth is quite shallow, the intricate rooting system makes it difficult to kill bamboo permanently.

Also, the clump-forming bamboo could be quite tough to remove. The clumpers' bases are much tougher because of the compact nature of this bamboo.

Therefore, you may have to apply one or more ways of killing the bamboo highlighted in this article to remove them permanently.

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