How to stop bamboo spreading?

Disturbing the shoots from growing can inhibit spreading, but does not stop the bamboo from growing back. 

Though it is a temporary measure, it can be effective where bamboo grows in barriers.
how to stop bamboo spreading UK US CANADA AUSTRALIA

 Here is how to stop bamboo from spreading.

Use garden spade and pickaxe

1: To kill bamboo in the garden using hot water, cut the stems as close to the ground as you can, and dig around (and through) the plant to expose the shoots.

Hot water

2: Pour hot water directly on the new shoots and exposed rhizomes, around the base of the bamboo and where there are signs of growth.

3: Repeat the steps if new shoots grow the following Spring.

If you have bamboos that are 2 – 3 years, this method will work just fine. 

Bamboos that are older than 5 years will have well-established rhizomes (in running bamboos) or build-up clumps (in clump-forming bamboos) which make them harder to treat with hot water.

In this case, build a barrier or use the method mentioned above to permanently remove the bamboo.

You will need these tools:

  • Pickaxe
  • Garden spade
  • Hot water
  • A pair of garden loppers and secateurs

4 effective ways to stop bamboo from spreading

Although bamboo plants are evergreen and adorable plants adorable, the rate at which they grow can be troublesome. 

They spread aggressively and take up any space that is available very quickly if left untouched for 2 – 3 years. 

One of these methods may be ideal for you.

  • Cut stems and dig rhizomes to kill bamboos
  • Pour boiling water on shoots
  • Cut and burn to kill bamboos
  • Apply vinegar
Get all the tips on how to remove bamboo.

Note: Get it done professionally. The work is painstakingly hard.

If you want to do it yourself, here are 4 ways to kill bamboo plants permanently.

Remove running bamboo vs clump-forming bamboo

The work required for running bamboos and clump-forming bamboos is slightly different. 

The running bamboos have horizontal stems (rhizomes) that you have to expose before applying the undiluted white vinegar. 

Whereas the clump-forming bamboo may require cutting and digging around the clump to expose the roots.

  • The Running bamboos have an extension of long-horizontal rhizomes, very invasive. 
  • The Clump-forming variety forms and expansion of clumped base and grow really thick in clusters.


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