Showing posts with label Grow Bamboo in Pots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grow Bamboo in Pots. Show all posts

How to Propagate Running Bamboo [Stem and Rhizome Cuttings ]

The plants are of two different types of bamboo plants,  Running and clump-forming bamboo plants. 

Not all methods of propagating bamboo are the same, yet one method may suit the running bamboo whereas the other may suit the clump-forming bamboo. 

The tips below will help you to propagate healthy running bamboo plants. 

Check out the tips for propagating clump-forming bamboo plants here.

How to Grow Bamboo Plants UK

Propagate bamboo from stem and rhizome cuttings

If you already have matured bamboo plants, then you can use the cutting from the branches, culms (stems) or rhizomes (roots) to propagate a new plant.

Take care when separating bamboo rhizomes. 

Use a hacksaw (or a pair of garden loopers) and cut at 45 degrees angle, 5 – 10 cm away from the node.  Avoid splitting them.

  • The best time for propagating new bamboo cuttings is in late summer or early Spring when they reach their full growth and the new shoots are starting to grow, respectively.
  • Take extra care when taking the new cuttings off an old bamboo plant to preserve the parent plant.
  • Treat the new cuttings delicately for them to grow. 

best soil for growing bamboo in pots and garden

Read about the bamboo best plants to grow in pots

Q. When is the best time to propagate new bamboo plants? Late summer is the best time because the cuttings will go to sleep and germinate in spring.

Bamboo propagation tools and preparation

The new cuttings will die if you do not put them immediately into water, or plant them in pots and containers.

It is perhaps important to have the following tools and materials available before taking the bamboo cuttings of bamboo plants.

Preparation: Tools you need to prepare bamboo cuttings

  • Watering can
  • Spade for shifting the soil.
  • Pickaxe or garden fork for digging the rhizomes.
  • Hacksaw or a pair of secateurs for cutting the culms and rhizomes.

Planting: Materials you will need to plant bamboo cuttings

  • Soil
  • Bark or organic materials for mulch
  • Pots and containers for planting the bamboo cuttings.
  • Rainwater or tapwater (avoid using chlorinated water)

Essentials for propagating running bamboo cuttings

Separate the cuttings from the parent plant early in spring or late in summer. Take the bamboo cuttings from the rhizomes, culms or even the base of the parent plant.

  • Rhizomes cuttings: Cut the rhizomes with 4 - 6 buds long, use a pair of secateurs or garden loopers. The best tip is to look for new shoots at the buds. The shots have a high chance of germinating.
  • Stem cuttings: Cut the culms 5 – 10 cm away from the node. Plant them deep in rich soil, either in a container or directly in the ground.
  • New culms: This is my favourite because they grow every time. Check for new culms that have a couple of branches. Carefully, dig them up and prepare them for propagation in pots.
  • Water the new cuttings/plants thoroughly.
  • Mulch the new bamboo plant using bark or other organic materials.

5 factors affect the growth of bamboo new cuttings

Propagating bamboo plants is a long-term affair. Take these 5 factors into consideration when growing new bamboo plants.

1. Choose the site carefully

The two bamboo plant varieties in UK gardens are tough plants. But the new plants are susceptible to the weather. 

New bamboo plants grown from cuttings should be propagated in locations where there is a good amount of sunlight and away from direct wind.

2. Identify the garden feature you want

Running Bamboo plants are ideal for growing in the garden. 

They have tall colourful stems, unmistakably evergreen. Winterhardy, are permanent screen all year round.

Read about the features and cost of the two bamboo varieties and 13 types of bamboo grown in the UK.

3. Prepare the soil

Bamboos are tough plants. They can endure poor soils, but it is better to propagate the new cuttings in nutrient-rich soil topped with mulch.

If you’re propagating new bamboo in a container, use potting mix or well-sieved soils and fine sand.

4. Maintain early-stage care

The new bamboo cuttings will need the right amount of water and attention in Spring as the roots start to develop and the leaves come out. 

Pay extra attention when planting the bamboo cuttings in late Spring or early Summer.

Mulching is highly recommended as it will help to retain water in soil or pots and containers ( where the cuttings are planted).

5. Monitor new bamboo growth

While the bamboo cuttings are growing, you should regularly check them for any signs of wilting, bug infestation, weeds, and lack of sunlight.

Taking good care of the new bamboo cuttings/plants will give you a 100% success rate.

Key points for growing bamboo cuttings

Here are the key points for growing running bamboo plants

  • New plants need some attention.
  • Water generously to keep the soil moist.
  • Running bamboo plants are ideal for outdoor gardens and tall screens.
  • Grow cuttings in spring, use nutrient-rich soil and mulch to grow cuttings.
  • New plants need constant attention. Water generously, keep the soil moist.

Important checks

The new cuttings will require care and attention when you see the signs of new leaves. So, check for the following.

  • The soil remains moist, but not waterlogged. (Read about the best soil for growing bamboo)
  • Check for unusual paleness on the culm and leaves, as any change in colour will reveal the condition of the cuttings.
  • Move the new plants to a safer location IF the temperature drops or rises dramatically.
  • Do not place them under big trees, when placing the cuttings in shades, as the falling branches will ruin your hard work.

Enjoy the growth and development of your new bamboo plants because they are amazing plants. 

Check out this article on Bamboo Plants that Thrive in UK Gardens, it is an insightful take on how to identify and grow new bamboo plants.

We hope this article inspires you to grow your own Bamboo plant in the garden and enjoy the beauty of this amazing plant.

This page contains articles on how to propagate healthy bamboo plants - check out the archive for more info.

Steps for growing bamboo plants from stem cuttings

Bamboo plants can grow from stem cuttings, but it is not as effective as growing bamboo from base separation and rhizome cuttings. It will also take a long time to germinate.

Follow the steps below for successful propagation by stem cuttings.

Grow bamboo plants UK

This page contains articles on how to propagate healthy bamboo plants - check out the archive for more info.

Use candle wax 

Step 1: Cut some cuttings from a three or four-year-old bamboo plant at 45 degrees angle. 

Each cutting must have at least two nodes and one internode. 

Cover the ends of the bamboo cuttings with wax to save them from rotting or drying.

Use rooting hormone

Step 2: Dip the bamboo cuttings in rooting hormone and ensure that the fresh cuts are covered with the hormone before shaking the excess off.

Use good soil!

Step 3: Fill large a pot or container with potting mix or loam soil (mixture of equal parts sand, silt and clay). Make several holes in the soil and plant the culm cuttings.

Depending on the number of cuttings, you may need more than one pot. 

Ideally, an 20cm garden pot should hold not more than 6 new culm cuttings.

Water & humidity promote growth

Step 4: Cover the cuttings with a clear plastic bag to keep the soil moist. 

Put the pot of newly planted culm cuttings in a warm area, out of direct sunlight.

Water the cuttings to keep the soil moist as water and humidity promote new growth.

Continue early-stage care

Step 5: When you see new shoots, it means the cuttings are putting out roots and rhizomes in the soil.

Continue to water the cuttings until they are ready to move into new pots or planted straight in the garden.

Here is an in-depth article on how to grow bamboo plants from stem cuttings.

How to grow bamboo from rhizomes

Bamboo plants grow well from rhizome cuttings - use the steps for growing healthy bamboo plants.

This propagation method works for the running bamboo because they have elongated rhizomes. Note that the rhizomes are in fact underground stems with nodes and internodes. 

Cut carefully along the nodes as new bamboo plants germinate at the node.

How to grow bamboo from rhizomes

You can use the 5 steps to propagate both clumping and running bamboo for their rhizomes.

Careful at the nodes

Step 1: Separate the rhizomes from the parent bamboo plants. 

Careful not to break the rhizome tips and new shoots or buds growing at the rhizome’s nodes.

Preserve new shoots

Step 2: Cut the rhizomes 4 - 6 buds using pair of secateurs. 

The best tip is to preserve new shoots at the nodes as they have a high chance of germinating when propagated into pots.

If you are taking cuttings from the main clump, leave 2 – 3 small culms on it. 

You can also use the rhizome tips/shoots as new cuttings.

 Water immediately

Step 3: Water both the new cuttings and the parent bamboo plant thoroughly. 

Place the new cuttings straight into a bucket of water so that they don’t dry out.

You can dip the bamboo into growth hormone to boost root growth.

Plant cuttings in good soil

Step 4: Fill a large 20 – 30 cm pot or container with potting mix or loam soil (mixture of equal parts sand, silt and clay).

If you need more information about soil prep, check out this article.

Step 5: Make several holes in the soil and plant the rhizome cuttings with the shoots and rhizome buds facing up. Water the newly planted rhizomes cuttings thoroughly.

Depending on the size of the cuttings, you may need more than one pot. Place the pot in a shaded area, away from direct sun.

The Rhizomes will take about four to six weeks to grow. So, water consistently but do not overwater.

Here is an in-depth article on how to grow bamboo plants from rhizome cuttings.

This page contains articles on how to propagate healthy bamboo plants 

- check out the archive for more info.

Evergreen bamboo screens for balcony and terrace

Bamboo plants provide natural privacy screens for relaxation areas such as the balcony, patio, and porch.

Its natural evergreen foliage, slender leaves and various cane colourations have been known to create a calming atmosphere in outdoor spaces.

This article identifies the different outdoor places and suggests the right bamboo plants for screening for a balcony, deck, patio or porch.

Can I grow bamboo plants for small outdoor spaces?

Bamboo plants come in different sizes, shapes and colours – tall, short, running, clumping, etc. The options are endless! 

But you must select the running and clumping bamboos carefully to grow in pots. (Read about how to grow bamboo in pots).

Both the running bamboo and the clumping bamboo plants have small varieties that are best for small outdoor spaces. 

Many of these bamboo plants thrive in pots and containers and are perfect privacy screens for the balcony, deck, patio or porch.

You can move them around and make them fit.

Buy bamboo plants are

Evergreen bamboo privacy screens for balcony or terrace

Many people use the terms balcony and terrace interchangeably to mean an extended outdoor space that has a roof cover and comfortable seating area. 

In fact, there is a slight difference between the two outdoor spaces. The balcony is smaller and has only one entry door whereas the terrace is comparatively larger with multiple entryways. Both are affixed to the main building structure.

So, what are the best bamboo plants for privacy screening on a balcony or terrace? 

Firstly, find out the length of the space that needs screening, and how many pots or containers may be required. 

Secondly, decide what containers are best for the space and how many you’ll need.

The third step is important – what type of bamboo plants to choose?

How to find the right Bamboo Privacy Screen: Check out the list bamboo plants for privacy screening balconies and terraces. They are slender, tall, and fast-growing. Ideal screens for narrow spaces.

How to select bamboo plants for privacy screens?

Both deck and patio are often used for large recreational activities and gatherings at home.

A deck is an elevated ‘roofless’ outdoor seating area whereas a patio may not be necessarily elevated and is made of paving stones, bricks and blocks. 

Many homeowners prefer to use bamboo sticks (canes) and bamboo mats for deck and patio screening, but do you know bamboo plants are also great natural privacy screens and windshields?

You can even turn the deck into a private outdoor space and block out the unsightly features by screening it with bamboo plants.

The tall, upright and slender running bamboo and clumping bamboo plants that reach 2 - 4 metres in height are perfect for deck screening.

How to find the right bamboo plants for deck or patio privacy screening: We compiled a list of small to medium bamboo plants end of this article to give you an idea about the right plants to pick for screening patio and deck.

bamboo privacy screens UK

Bamboo privacy screen for porch or veranda

Porch and veranda do not vary a great deal. 

Often these two enclosures may refer to a roofed entrance (or the front) of a house. However, a veranda can extend to the side or the back of the house. Whereas, a porch is located at the front of the house.

Many porches and verandas are long and narrow. Therefore, select a bamboo that will serve well in narrow spaces such as the clump-forming bamboo plants.

The upright bamboo plants grow without arching. 

They have tough narrow canes (culms), slender leaves, and dense foliage - suitable bamboo plants for creating a natural privacy screen in narrow spaces. 

10 small and medium bamboo plants for an outdoor screen

We identified the different outdoors areas and bamboo for privacy screens so far. In addition, we created an easy-to-use guide for selecting the right bamboo plants.

Check out the list of small to medium bamboo plants.

How we arrange the bamboo plants in this list: We consider the height and spread of the bamboo as we arrange the bamboo according to its uses. 

For example, the small bamboo plants are ideal for small enclosures like the porch, veranda and balcony. 

The bamboo plants that are two metres in height are good for large enclosures like the patio, deck and terrace. 

Buy these bamboo plants are

How to grow bamboo plants in pots and containers

Growing bamboo plants for the balcony, deck, patio or porch needs careful planning.

We cannot stress enough to plant the bamboo in pots and containers, whether it is running or clumping bamboo. This is the best way to contain the bamboo plants from spreading to other spaces.

If you are going to grow a new bamboo purchase, bamboo cuttings, here are two articles to help you:

Why Bamboo Privacy Screen for Balcony, Deck, Patio and Porch?

Bamboo plants are fast-growing and can produce the evergreen dense privacy screen in 2 to 3 years.

The bamboo plants are tolerant to pests and variable weather conditions. 

Some bamboo plants are extremely hardy and can withstand very low temperatures in Winter.

One reason why bamboo plants are ideal for small outdoor spaces is that they are undemanding plants. They thrive in small, confined spaces with well-drained soil and good moisture. 

Also, you do not need to replace the bamboo plants or re-potting them unless they outgrow the pots after 5 - 10 years.

The balcony, deck, patio or porch screening plants will need fertiliser feed or a plant grower, at least, once a year. 

So, give them a feed ideally early in Spring - just before the new plant shoots grow. This will give you lush greenery and a formidable privacy screen for many years.

Related articles on Evergreen Outdoor Privacy Screen

Readers' note: This article is so long that we split it into several parts. Here are the related parts that you may also like to read:

Best soil for growing new bamboo

Although bamboo plants are tolerant to different soil types, the new bamboo plants will need well-drained moist soil to produce new plants.

Improve soil fertility if the soil lacks nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

grow bamboo in soil 

Grow bamboo in soil

New bamboo roots and shoots dislike waterlogged pots, soggy soil and dry-compacted soil. 

So, do not use sandy and porous soil because water passes through quickly. 

Also, avoid using hard and compacted soil high in clay when propagating new bamboo plants.

The best soil to grow bamboos in pots and containers is loamy soil topped with a humus-rich layer 5cm– 10cm. A loam soil that contains a mixture of clay is best for new plants.

Check out where to buy potting mixtures, feeds and fertilizers from top UK suppliers.

How to prepare loam soil

Humus and loamy soil are best for growing bamboo plants in pots. The mixture of clay, sand and silt creates the right condition for retaining moisture without waterlogging and is ideal for growing new bamboo.

 The loam soil is not easily available, but you can make a good mixture using sand, silt, and clay in the ratio of 1 : 1: 1. As a general rule, loam soil should consist of equal parts of all three soil types. For example, 3kg of sand to 3kg of silt to 3kg of clay.

The best time to plant bamboo is early Spring because new shoots and rhizomes grow at this time. 

If you are re-potting an old bamboo plant, make sure that the root hairs and rhizomes remain intact for the plant.

Improve soil for healthy bamboo growth

The first 5 – 12 months of a bamboo’s life in the soil is crucial. This archive of articles has lots of info about how to propagate bamboo plants, check it out.

It will need care and attention, so ensure that the soil remains moist and the condition is perfect for the plants to grow.

The starting points below will help you to create the best soil condition for the new bamboo plants. 

 best soil for growing lucky bamboo


Bamboo plants in pots will require more water than those grown in the ground. 

Give the plant a generous amount of water, but not too much that it runs out the bottom.


Bamboos in pots need nitrogen-rich organic liquid feed (such as Universal Granule Fertilisers). 

Add mulch such as small barks or grass cutting mixed with small twigs and branches if necessary.


No pruning is necessary for the first 12 months after planting your bamboo. 

Check and remove weeds, insects, and dust on the leaves.


Monitor the leaves of the bamboo as they are good indicators of the plant’s health.

Soil condition: 

If you think the soil is dry, push a stick or small metal through the top (10cm – 15cm) layer of the soil to check the moisture at different levels.

How to Plant Bamboo in Soil

Most runner and clump-forming bamboos that grow in the UK will thrive if they are planted in well-prepared soil with good moisture. 

Learn about how to plant new bamboo in soil and what soil is best for growing them.

how to plant bamboo in soil not Lucky Bamboo

How to plant bamboo in soil

Holding pots

  • Choose a decent size pot for your bamboo plants.
  • Lay the bottom of the pot with pebbles or a porous sheath to prevent the potting mix from falling out and making a mess.


  • Add the loam soil into the pot or container.
  • Plant the soil in the pot or container and firm down the soil, careful not to break the new shoots and rhizome tips.


  • Add hummus, and use compost or mulch around the bamboo to a depth of 5cm – 10cm.
  • Water generously.
Check out where to buy potting mixtures, composts and large pots for growing bamboo in soil from top UK home & garden suppliers.

Grow healthy bamboo in soil

Soil with good moisture content and rich in nutrients is ideal for planting new bamboo. 

But how do we know that the soil is fit for the healthy growth of the new bamboo?

Although matured bamboos are not fussy about where they are planted, the new bamboo plants are fussy. 

They need soil rich in nutrients and moisture in order to survive their first year.

Give your new bamboo plants a good start by doing these.

Use well-prepared soil rich in moisture and nutrients: Use loam soil, topped with mulch to reduce water loss.

Choose the right variety of bamboo: Select the variety that grows well in pots and containers in the UK.

 Select the right size pot or container: Choose a large pot with proper drainage holes. 

How to new bamboo plants grow in soil?

Newly planted bamboo in well-drained, moist soil will thrive when they've established a strong root system. this will be obvious from the healthy culms (stems), branches and leaves.

This video provides insight into how a new bamboo grows in the soil.


Plant new bamboo in soil

This archive of articles has lots of info about how to propagate new bamboo plants, check it out

The articles are insightful (and personal) take on how to propagate, transplant and grow bamboo plants successfully. 

You can see most of out work on our YouTube channel too.

We hope this article inspires you to grow your own bamboo plant in the garden and enjoy the beauty of this amazing plant.