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Showing posts sorted by date for query grow bamboo in pots. Sort by relevance Show all posts

How to Grow Lucky Bamboo in Water and Soil

One of the best things about Lucky Bamboo is that it can be easily propagated through both stem cuttings and offsets. This means that you can create new Lucky Bamboo plants from your existing plant with just a little bit of effort.

✔Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a popular houseplant known for its elegant appearance and symbolic significance of good luck and prosperity. It is also a relatively easy plant to care for, making it a great choice for both novice and experienced gardeners alike.

To propagate Lucky Bamboo from stem cuttings

  • 1. Choose a healthy stem from your parent plant and cut it at an angle using a sharp knife or shears.
  • 2. Allow the cut stem to callus over for a day or two.
  • 3. Plant the stem in either water or soil. If planting in water, make sure that the nodes are submerged.
  • 4. Place the plant in a warm, bright location and water regularly.
  • 5. Within a few weeks, you should see new roots and leaves developing.

To propagate Lucky Bamboo from offsets

  • 1. Gently remove the offsets from the base of the parent plant.
  • 2. Plant the offsets in their own pots, filled with well-draining potting soil.
  • 3. Water the offsets regularly and keep them in a warm, bright location.
  • 4. With proper care, the offsets will develop into their own mature Lucky Bamboo plants over time.

Ideas for Placing Lucky Bamboo

Once you have propagated your new Lucky Bamboo plants, you can enjoy them in your home or office in a variety of ways. 

Here are a few ideas:

Home decor:

Lucky Bamboo's graceful stems and delicate leaves make it a beautiful addition to any interior space. Place it in a decorative vase or bowl to add a touch of nature to your living room, bedroom, or office.

Water gardens:

Lucky Bamboo thrives in water, making it a perfect choice for water gardens. Whether you have a small indoor water feature or an outdoor pond, these plants will flourish, adding a touch of elegance to your aquatic landscapes.

Combined arrangements:

Get creative and combine Lucky Bamboo with other water-loving plants like peace lilies or ferns for a visually striking arrangement. Mix and match different plants to create unique and captivating indoor gardens.

Gift giving:

A gift of Lucky Bamboo is not only a thoughtful gesture but also a symbol of well-wishes. Pair it with a decorative pot or container, and you've got a gift that conveys good fortune and brings a touch of nature into someone's life.

Feng shui:

Embrace the ancient art of feng shui by placing Lucky Bamboo strategically in your home or office to attract positive energy and harmony. Its calming presence and resilience make it a popular choice for this purpose.

Caring for Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is a relatively low-maintenance plant, but it does require some basic care to thrive. Here are a few tips:

Light: Lucky Bamboo prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.

Water: Lucky Bamboo can be grown in either water or soil. If growing in water, change the water every 7-10 days. If growing in soil, keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Fertilizer: Fertilize Lucky Bamboo every 2-3 weeks during the spring and summer months with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Dilute the fertilizer to half strength to avoid burning the roots.

Temperature: Lucky Bamboo prefers temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing it in drafty areas or near heating vents.

Troubleshooting common problems

Here are a few tips for troubleshooting common problems that Lucky Bamboo growers may encounter:

Yellowing leaves:

Yellowing leaves can be caused by a number of factors, including overwatering, underwatering, or nutrient deficiency. Check the soil moisture and fertilizer levels to make sure that the plant is getting the care it needs.

Root rot:

Root rot is a common problem that can occur when Lucky Bamboo is overwatered. If you notice that the roots are black or slimy, cut them away and repot the plant in fresh soil.

Pests and diseases:

Lucky Bamboo is generally resistant to pests and diseases, but it is important to inspect the plant regularly for any signs of problems. If you see any pests or signs of disease, treat the plant immediately with an insecticidal soap or fungicide.

Hope that help. comment and let us know if you need ant specific information not mentioned here. 

Happy lucky bamboo planting

Lucky Bamboo Propagation: How to Plant Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a popular and visually appealing houseplant known for its elegant appearance and ability to bring good luck and positive energy. 

While it's often found potted in containers with water and pebbles, lucky bamboo can also be propagated to create new starts and expand your collection. Read about the process of propagating lucky bamboo to grow new healthy plants.

1. Selecting the Right Stalks

To start the propagation process, you'll need mature lucky bamboo stalks that have been growing for about four months and have reached a length of eight to ten inches. 

These stalks will serve as the source for new starts. Look for healthy, vibrant green stems without any signs of disease or damage.

2. Preparing the Stalks for Propagation

Begin by removing about eight to ten inches of growth from the selected lucky bamboo stalks. These cuttings will be placed in a separate container for propagation. 

Trim the remaining stalks neatly and apply hot wax to the cut end to seal it properly.

how to plant lucky bamboo

3. Separating the Roots

Gently remove the lucky bamboo stalks from their existing container. The roots may be entangled, so take care to separate them carefully without causing damage. 

Lucky bamboo roots are known for their beautiful red colour and should be healthy and free from any signs of decay.

4. Identifying the Nodes

The nodes on the lucky bamboo stalks are key to successful propagation. The nodes are the points where the roots and leaves grow. 

Identify the nodes, which appear as raised rings around the stem.

Find out how to plant lucky bamboo in pots, gravel, ground and how to plant lucky bamboo in water.

5. Cutting and Propagation

Using sharp and clean tools, cut the stalk about half an inch above the identified node. Make a clean and swift cut to avoid damaging the plant. 

Strip away any leaves near the cut to have a clean section for propagation. These cuttings are now ready to be propagated into new lucky bamboo plants.

6. Propagation Medium

Prepare a container filled with either dechlorinated water or aquarium water (which contains some nitrogen that promotes root growth). 

The cut ends of the lucky bamboo cuttings should be submerged in the water, and the container should be placed in a well-lit area, but away from direct sunlight. WATCH THIS VIDEO FOR MORE INFORMATION,

7. Adding Aquarium Gravel

To keep the new lucky bamboo cuttings upright and stable, add an inch of aquarium gravel to the container. This will help support the cuttings and encourage them to grow straight and strong.

8. Care during Propagation

Keep an eye on the propagating cuttings and maintain the water level. Change the water if it becomes murky or stagnant, as fresh water will encourage healthy root growth. 

Be patient; it can take about a month for the cuttings to develop roots and grow new shoots.

9. Transplanting

Once the new lucky bamboo plants have developed a substantial root system and new shoots have emerged, they can be transplanted into pots with a well-draining potting mix suitable for indoor plants. 

Continue to care for the young plants as you would for mature lucky bamboo.

how to plant lucky bamboo

Final words - Lucky Bamboo Propagation

Lucky bamboo propagation is a rewarding process that allows you to expand your collection of these beautiful and meaningful plants. With a little care and patience, you can successfully grow new lucky bamboo starts from mature stalks. 

Remember to use clean and sharp tools, maintain a healthy propagation environment, and enjoy the growth of these new plants as they bring good fortune and beauty into your home or office. 

Happy propagating!

Bambusa malingensis Seabreeze Bamboo for Privacy Screen

Seabreeze bamboo, also known as Bambusa malingensis, is a popular choice for creating a privacy screen in outdoor spaces. Its tall, slender stalks and lush green foliage make it an attractive option for any garden or backyard. However, growing bamboo plants can be a bit tricky if you’re not familiar with the right methods. In this article, we’ll explain how to successfully grow Seabreeze bamboo for a privacy screen.

Bambusa malingensis Seabreeze Bamboo for Privacy Screen

Seabreeze bamboo is clump-forming bamboo

First, it’s important to note that Seabreeze bamboo is a clump-forming bamboo. It will not spread aggressively like some other types of bamboo. This is great news for those who are concerned about bamboo taking over their garden or backyard. In fact, it does still require plenty of space to grow and reach its full potential.

The first step is to choose a suitable location. This type of bamboo thrives in full sun or partial shade. It’s best to plant it in a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. 

Also, consider the soil type and drainage when choosing a location. Seabreeze bamboo prefers well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. If your soil is heavy clay or sandy, you may need to amend it with compost or other organic matter to improve its fertility and drainage.

Check out where to buy bamboo in the UK, here

Planting Seabreeze bamboo

Once you have chosen a suitable location, it’s time to prepare the soil. Start by removing any grass, weeds, or other debris from the area. 

Then, dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball of your bamboo plant. Mix some compost or other organic matter into the soil that you removed from the hole. This will improve the soil’s fertility and drainage.

Next, it’s time to plant your Seabreeze bamboo. Gently remove the bamboo plant from its container and loosen any tangled roots. Place the plant in the hole and fill in around it with the amended soil. Water the plant well and keep the soil consistently moist until the plant is established.

In this video, I filled the gaps in the bamboo screen and explain what to do when removing bamboo from pots.


Monitoring new bamboo plant

Once your Seabreeze bamboo is planted, it’s important to keep up with regular maintenance to ensure that it grows strong and healthy. This includes regular watering, fertilizing, and pruning.

Watering is crucial, especially during the first few weeks after planting. The soil should be kept consistently moist, but not waterlogged. 

As the plant becomes established, you can reduce the frequency of watering. However, it’s important to keep an eye on the soil moisture level and water as needed.

Caring for Seabreeze bamboo

Fertilizing is also important for Seabreeze bamboo. Use a balanced fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Apply the fertilizer according to the package instructions, usually once a month during the growing season.

Pruning is another important step in maintaining your Seabreeze bamboo. Prune off any dead or damaged stalks and remove any yellow or brown leaves. This will promote healthy growth and encourage new stalks to sprout.

With proper care and maintenance, your Seabreeze bamboo will grow quickly and create a lush, green privacy screen in no time. As it grows taller, you can also add a trellis or other support to help it maintain its shape and keep it upright.

Have you heard about Alphonse Karr bamboo? One of the outstanding yellow bamboo plants, find out.

Bambusa malingensis Seabreeze Bamboo for Privacy Screen

All in all, growing Seabreeze bamboo for a privacy screen is a great way to add some greenery to your outdoor space. 

However, it does require proper care and maintenance to ensure that it thrives. 

By choosing a suitable location, preparing the soil, and keeping up with regular care & maintenance, your bamboo will provide the privacy screen you envisioned.

10 Awsome Facts About Garden Bamboo Plants

Bamboos have features, structures and properties that are interesting to know, especially if you are a keen gardener. 

Some bamboo can grow to more than 10 metres high in the wild. There are over 10,000 known varieties of bamboo plants in the tropical jungles in Asia and the Pacific. 

The tropical bamboo plants can be found at Kew Garden Palm House in London.

facts about bamboo

Facts About Garden Bamboo Plants

Bamboos are winter-hardy and evergreen all year round. They are great screening plants and many of them thrive in the UK, either as clump-forming (Fargesias) or running (Phyllostachys).

Here are 10 interesting facts about garden bamboo plants for a bamboo grower in the UK. 

  1. Evergreen all year round.
  2. Roots are difficult to remove.
  3. Grow well in pots and containers.
  4. Can withstand cold British winter.
  5. Splinters are sharp. Cuts can be nasty.
  6. Are invasive and need care and attention.
  7. Costs depend on the size and height and cost.
  8. Great sticks for staking plants in the garden or fencing.
  9. Are either running or clump-forming bamboo varieties.
  10. Suitable for garden décor and centrepiece, borders, fences and privacy screens.

If you want to find out how fast bamboos grow, here is an article that gives Answers to 10 Common Questions about Bamboo.

GIANT TIMBER BAMBOO [Kew Garden Palm House in London]

Bamboo Plants UK - running vs. clump-forming

Running bamboo 

The Phyllostachys bamboo plants have horizontal underground stems called rhizomes. 

These running bamboo plants are great for tall borders and screens and are becoming popular in recent years because of the spectacular colours of the stems.

This variety is invasive and needs close attention to stop it from spreading.

Clump-forming bamboo 

Fagesias are fantastic garden and pot plants. They are non-invasive plants compared to their cousins, the Running bamboo plants. The running bamboo plants have great stem colourations, whereas the clump-forming have dense foliage.

Fargesia robusta and Fargesia nitida are among the best umbrella bamboo for screening because they have dense foliage from top to bottom. 

Awesome Garden Bamboo Plants

The evergreen foliage of the garden bamboo plants is adorable all season. 

Its strong and hardy stems make for a strong fence. The sticks are fantastic for staking beans and sweet peas.

The bamboo plants, whether grown as privacy screens, hedges or used as staking sticks, are growing in popularity among gardeners and homeowners in the UK.

Check out GBP Blog's archive and YouTube Videos for tips and tricks to Grow Bamboo Plants in the UK.  It has an updated collection of articles on ALL-YOU-NEED-TO-GROW-BAMBOO plants.

Bamboo Plants for Sale UK

Garden bamboo plants are popular in the United Kingdom (UK) and are the main features of many gardens. 

They have attractive foliage and bring a tropical effect to the garden, evergreen and dense. 

They are a delight to have in the gardens - here are bamboo plants for sale from top UK suppliers.

Bamboo screen Phyllostachys Vivax UK
Phyllostachys vivax Garden Bamboo Plants

Running vs. clump-forming bamboo

The bamboo plants are native to tropical and sub-tropical areas but come cultivars thrive in temperate in the UK.

Bamboo varieties such as red bamboo, black bamboo and yellow bamboo do exceptionally well in British weather.

 Fargesia robusta and Fargesia nitida are among the best umbrella bamboo for screening because they have dense foliage from top to bottom. 

Although some bamboo varieties are invasive, many UK gardeners are finding simple ways to grow and contain bamboo plants.

Buy Bamboo Plants for Screening

clumping bamboo for sale UK
Clumping Bamboo Plants UK

Small bamboo plants, the clump-forming bamboo plants are great pot and container plants.

The prices are reflective of the various sizes of the plants at the time of the article and a subject to change.

Check with your local garden centre and online stores. Here is a list of top UK bamboo suppliers.

Bamboo plants in pots for sale

The ‘Price range’ in the tables above takes the lower-end price from the major online markets like e-Bay and Amazon at the time of this article.

Costs of Bamboos ranges between £20 and £60 or can be even higher. When buying plants, always choose a reputable garden shop because they sell high-quality plants.

Always check the post and package cost as this may not be included in the final cost of the bamboo plant. This may be dumb, but it is the best way to avoid paying more than you should.

The upper price limits are from the leading Garden Centres in the UK. The upper price limits are indicative of the delivery prices. However, the prices do fluctuate, therefore check the actual door price before making a purchase.

Buy screening bamboo plants

Online bamboo P&P: 

Getting bargain garden bamboo plants from online marketplaces like Amazon and e-Bay can be satisfying.

However, the price of Garden Bamboo Plants from online marketplaces does not include the postage and packing, P&P.

Therefore, it is perhaps important to check out the actual cost price of the plant on sale before buying it.

Home bamboo delivery: 

Many established Garden Centres and online garden shops in the UK factored the cost of delivery into their charges.

Though it may look expensive, the price of bamboo plants on sale is always the home-delivery price.

So whether you are thinking of buying from the major online marketers or at your favourite garden shops, use the Price Range in the tables in this article as a guide. 

Check out GBP Blog's archive and YouTube Videos for tips and tricks to Grow Bamboo Plants in the UK.  It has an updated collection of articles on ALL-YOU-NEED-TO-GROW-BAMBOO plants.

Fargesia Rufa Fountain Bamboo

 Fargesia murielae Rufa is a popular Fountain Bamboo bamboo plant to grow in the UK. It is a fast-growing and non-invasive fountain bamboo.

The upright hardy green culms, small branches and thick evergreen foliage are easy to control. This bamboo is ideal for privacy screening and hedging.

Bamboo Fargesia Rufa is a Clump-forming Bamboo commonly referred to as the Chinese Fountain bamboo or Dragon Head bamboo.

Fargesia rufa UK

Clump-forming bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants online 

We listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers.

Fargesia murielae Rufa Features

  • Identification: Bamboo Rufa, Chinese Fountain Bamboo, Dragon Head Bamboo.
  • Site: Sun, partial shade, or shade
  • Soil: Moist but well-drained fertile soil.
  • Uses: Privacy screening, hedging, pots, containers, or an individual planting
  • Temperature hardiness: - 24 degrees Celcius
  • Height: 2 – 3m
  • Spread: 1.5 - 2m
  • Foliage colour: Dense green, prune to get compact foliage.
  • Grow and care: Fast-growing bamboo, non-invasive and undemanding.

Maintain Fargesia Rufa [Fountain Bamboo]

You can propagate this bamboo in two ways, either by separation of the clumps or by rhizome cuttings.

Either way, it is important to propagate the new cuttings in a propagation medium (preferably in Spring) before replanting the following season.

This bamboo is a tough, hardy and evergreen clump-forming bamboo. It is non-invasive and demands less attention.

To ensure that the bamboo stays healthy, check the leaves and soil, and add mulch where necessary. If you prune this bamboo, it will form neat and compact foliage.

Put the leaves under bamboo because they contain organic traces of silica which is rich in potassium. Add mulch in early Spring and fertiliser, if necessary.

Is it an indoor or outdoor plant?

Fargesia murielae 'Rufa' does well both outdoors and indoors. 

The bamboo can grow to a height of 4m and spread over a diameter of 2.5 – 3m. The perfect height and spread of 2 - 3 metres make it a great plant for privacy screens and hedges.

The clump-forming bamboo is very adaptable, ideal for large pots, planters and containers. It can grow in the sun, part shade and shade.

5 Interesting facts

In addition to the unique features and qualities outlined in this article, we found these 5 facts to be interesting.

Do you know? This bamboo is

  • native to China.
  • a clump-forming bamboo.
  • the main food source for the Giant Pandas.
  • commonly called Dragon Head Bamboo or Chinese Fountain Bamboo.
  • the recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merits (AGM) for its finest qualities and noted as one of the best winterhardy plants.

Bamboo grow & care guide

We gave an in-depth insight into the running and clump-forming bamboos. The articles are packed with informational tips and step-by-step guides for bamboo growers. Here are the links!

If you find this article helpful, leave a comment and let us know what you think. And finally, we would appreciate it if you could follow us on our YouTube Channel - Amazing Bamboo Plants.

7 Best Fargesia Murielae Nitida Bamboo Plants [CHINESE FOUNTAIN BAMBOO]

Fargesia murielae nitida bamboo (commonly known as the Chinese Fountain Bamboo or Blue Fountain) is a fantastic plant for shade, part-shade and sun. 

A Fargesia nitida grove has thick foliage that resembles mushrooms or ‘water fountains’ that is why they are called the fountain bamboo plants.

The stems often have different colours from red, pink, and purple to green.

A spectacular non-invasive bamboo plant, it will not send its shoots away from the parent plant. The clumps form a dense upright wall to support the ‘fountain’ foliage.

Fargesia murielae nitida is among the stunning Fargesias in the UK, owing their names to the appearances of the evergreen fountain-like foliage and coloured stems.

fargesia nitida UK

7 best Fargesia murielae nitida bamboo plants

A few years ago, only two clump-forming bamboo plants are known in the UK - the Fargesia nitida and mureilae varieties.

Today, successful pollination between the two clump-forming bamboos resulted in many hybrids of bamboo plants. Often those bamboos have different coloured stems and foliage.

As they say, for every garden, there is just the right bamboo for it!

In this section of the featured plants, we will take a look at the 7 Fargesia murielae nitida bamboo plants that are common in many UK homes and gardens. 

You may find one that is right for you.

1. Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl’ Fountain Bamboo

The Black Pearl bamboo is a spectacular Fargesia murielae nitida. It has purply black culms and overarching green foliage. It grows to 4m in full height and spread 2 - 3m across.

Black Pearl bamboo grows well in pots and containers and adds a great effect to patios, balconies and courtyards.

Although this clump-forming bamboo is undemanding, it will need good soil and water during and immediately after planting.

Soil preparation is key to giving it a good start.

Add mulch, fertiliser or organic compost to preserve moisture and preserve the soil nutrient content.

Best qualities of Black Pearl: A spectacular fountain bamboo with purply black culms and overarching green foliage, non-invasive. Grows well in shade.

2. Fargesia nitida 'Winter Joy’

Winter Joy is a hybrid plant known by its full name as Fargesia marielae nitida 'Winter Joy’.

It is a stunning new plant that has all the ‘goodies’ from the Fargesia nitida and marielae bamboo plants.

This clump-forming bamboo has upright culms with beautiful shades of green and grey. Its leaves are evergreen all year round. It can reach 3 – 4m in height and forms clusters 2 – 3m across.

Like most Fargesia marielae nitida, the Bamboo Winter Joy grows well in large pots and containers.

It is tolerant to changes in weather but prefers a shade to a part-shade area; and nutrient-rich soil with good drainage.

Best qualities of Winter Joy: A beautiful purple sheath and greyish-purply pink tall and upright stems, evergreen dense foliage and non-invasive.

3. Fargesia nitida 'viking’ Fountain Bamboo

Fargesia nitida 'Viking’ is a hybrid (a cross between Fargesia nitida and murielae).

This elegant hybrid clump-forming bamboo is non-invasive, it does not need a barrier because of its tight clump-forming nature.

Perfect for small gardens and pots or containers or grown as a single plant. It prefers partially shaded sites with higher humidity.

Like other Fargesia bamboos, the bamboo 'Viking' will thrive in nutrient-rich soil and where there is good moisture.

Best qualities of Fargesia nitida 'viking’: The long evergreen foliage and edges can be pruned to give a compacted evergreen hedge, stunning purple to green stems and non-invasive.

4. Fargesia nitida 'Volcano’

Fargesia nitida ‘Volcano’ is a stunning, non-invasive bamboo.

It has a beautiful reddish black stem and brown sheath which forms a beautiful contrast between the dense green leaves.

The Volcano can grow to a height of 2 metres, its clumped base can reach 1.5 to 3 metres wide. A good choice for pots and containers or can be planted directly into the ground as a screen or hedge.

This clump-forming bamboo is non-invasive and prefers moist soil and full sun or partial shade. Avoid growing the Volcano Bamboo in waterlogged sites and strong winds.

Best qualities of Fargesia nitida 'Volcano’: The foliage and edges can be pruned to give a compacted evergreen hedge, beautiful red black stems and non-invasive.

5. Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’

Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’ has beautiful slender evergreen foliage. It has tight upright stems that go from green to deep dark purple when matured and arched at the tops.

This clump-forming fountain bamboo can grow 3 metres high and is extremely hardy at temperatures below –20 degrees Celsius.

The Nitida Pillar bamboo is highly tolerant of shady making it the best plant for container cultivation and small gardens.

It does not like compacted building soil or very dry sites. It can be used for screening but prefers large pots, containers and shades.

In the dry season, water well or apply mulch and organic composts.

Top Qualities of Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’: Deep dark green leaves and tall slender clums, prefers shade, ideal for large pots and containers.

6. Fargesia nitida 'Jiuzhaigou’ Bamboo

Fargesia Nitida 'Jiuzhaigou' Red Panda Fargesia Bamboo has colourful stems with evergreen leaves.

The stems/culms emerge green, turn deep red and mature to yellowish orange. A spectacular change in colours is a response to the amount of light the stems receive and how well they’ve matured.

Unlike the other Fargesia in this article, 'Jiuzhaigou' required a lot of direct sunlight.

The clump-forming bamboo thrives in moist well-drained soils. When planted in large pots and containers, the soil must be kept moist and nutrient-rich to make it happy.

Fargesia nitida 'Jiuzhaigou’ is a hardy bamboo, it grows to an average height of 3 metres and spread 2 metres in clump formation.

Best qualities of Fargesia nitida 'Jiuzhaigou’: Spectacular change in the colour of the culms/stems from emerging green to deep red and aged yellowish orange. Needs sunlight for best result.

7. Fargesia nitida 'Obelisk’

Fargesia ‘Obelisk’ is a hybrid bamboo with evergreen leaves contrasting with the dark tall culms, it has the best of the qualities from the parent bamboos, the Murielae and Nitida.

This beautiful bamboo is known to produce numerous shoots and leaves every year.

Obelisk Bamboo is ideal as a standalone bamboo and makes a great ornamental garden centrepiece. It can also be grown in pots and containers, or as privacy screens and hedges to great effect.

This clump-forming bamboo is hardy and can withstand temperatures to a low -25 degrees Celsius.

Bamboo Obelisk culms can grow to 4m tall and support their dense green foliage. This bamboo thrives in part shade and shade.

Best qualities of Fargesia nitida 'Obelisk’: Great standalone plant, it produces masses of new shoots and leaves yearly. The clump-forming bamboo had dense green foliage and thin hardy culms. It is non-invasive.

Clump-forming Fargesia bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants online 

We listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers.

Fargesia bamboo plants for sale UK

Summary of features of Fargesia murielae nitida

This group of clump-forming bamboo plants is best for a garden centrepiece but can also be ideal for hedging and privacy screening when grown in rows.

They are also fantastic shade plants, yet grow well in contained spaces, large pots and containers.

It can grow to 4m in height and spread 2 – 3m across.

  • Site: Partial shade, or shade.
  • Soil: Moist but well-drained fertile soil.
  • Uses: Pots, containers, or individual planting.
  • Winterhardiness: - 24  degrees Celcius
  • Height: 3 – 4m
  • Spread: 1.5 - 2m
  • Foliage: Overarching green foliage, coloured stems.
  • Grow & care: Clump-forming bamboo, non-invasive and undemanding.
7 Best Fargesia Murielae Nitida Bamboo Plants to grow for a thick screen, hedge and in garden. 

Fargesia nitida Black Pearl [Fountain Bamboo]

 Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl' is a spectacular fountain bamboo with purply black culms and overarching green foliage. It is a clump-forming bamboo.

It grows well in shade and part shade, an ideal bamboo for north-facing gardens and balconies.

Buy black bamboos at

Fargesia nitida Black Pearl Bamboo UK


  • Identity: Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl', Black Pearl Bamboo, Fountain Bamboo.
  • Culm: Coloured, green to purple and black.
  • Leaves: Evergreen, fountain foliage.
  • Mature Height: 3 – 4 metres.
  • Spread: Grow out of the base clump 2 – 3 m, not invasive.
  • Hardiness: – 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Uses: Grows in pots and containers, prefers shade and part-shade.
  • Care: add manure or good organic compost, avoid planting in windy sites.

Clump-forming bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants online 

We listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers.

Grow black pearl bamboo

The fountain bamboos are from the group Fargesia nitida. 

They are an adorable group because they have various colours that contrast beautifully with the natural garden colour, green.

The spectacular black pearl matches the light green undergrowth and lighter colours of the built environment.

So, grow this beautiful black bamboo in the backdrop of lighter colours.

Here are 3 tips for choosing a better site for growing Fargesia nitida Black Pearl: 

  • Take a look at the stripy colours of the vegetation (or built environment).
  • Match the colours to the colour dark culms and green leaves of  Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl'.
  • Then, plant the bamboo and pay attention to it in the first summer as it establishes itself.
Fargesia nitida Black Pearl Fountain Bamboo grows well in shade and part shade - thrives as an undercover plant, great for landscaping. 

Guide for growing Fargsia nitida bamboo

The four articles are packed with information, tips and step-by-step guides for growing bamboo in the UK.

If you want to know how to propagate bamboo plants from seeds or culm and rhizome cuttings or grow bamboo in pots and gardens, you'll find the info useful. Here are the links!

You can find additional insights into bamboo growth requirements & care on our YouTube channel – Amazing Bamboo Plants.

Fargesia nitida Winter Joy [Shade-loving Bamboo Plants]

 Fargesia nitida 'Winter Joy’ is a hybrid plant known by its full name as Fargesia marielae nitida 'Winter Joy’. 

It is a stunning new plant that has all the ‘goodies’ from the Fargesia nitida and marielae bamboo plants.

Bamboo ‘Winter Joy' is very decorative due to its dark green steams with red undertones.

In the winter, the light green, small leaves stay on the plant and they are visually appealing even in the winter.

Fargesia nitida Winter Joy

Best qualities of Winter Joy

A beautiful purple sheath and greyish-purply pink tall and upright stems, evergreen dense foliage and non-invasive. Great shade plant.

This clump-forming bamboo has upright culms with beautiful shades of green and grey. Its leaves are evergreen all year round. It can reach 3 – 4m in height and forms clusters 2 – 3m across.

Like most Fargesia marielae nitida, the Bamboo Winter Joy grows well in large pots and containers.

Tolerant to seasonal changes, but prefers a shade to part-shade area; and nutrient-rich soil with good drainage. 

Clump-forming bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants online 

We listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers. 

Fargesia nitida Winter Joy features

  • Name: Fargesia nitida 'Winter Joy’, Chinease Fountain Bamboo.
  • Culm: Upright, green and grey, purply pink sheath.
  • Leaves: Evergreen, fountain-forming foliage.
  • Mature Height: 3 – 4 metres.
  • Spread: Grow out of the base clump 2 – 3 m, does not spread.
  • Winterhardiness: - 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Uses: Grow in pots and containers, grows well in shade and part-shade.
  • Care: Add manure or good organic compost, and avoid planting in windy sites.
  • Site: Shade to part shade

Bamboo plants similar to Winter Joy

Some bamboo with similar features are Fargesia rufa, Fargesia nitida gansu and Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl. Check this list for all the Fargesias.

We also featured 7 common types of the Nitida group.  A spectacular group of non-invasive bamboo plants, they will not send their roots and shoots away from the parent plant.

The clumps form a dense upright wall to support the ‘fountain’ foliage.

Fargesia nitida is among the stunning Fargesia bamboos in the UK, owing their names to the appearances of the evergreen fountain-like foliage and coloured stems.

Make an exotic bamboo garden

Here are some articles packed with tips and step-by-step guides for bamboo growers.

Exotic Bamboo Garden Ideas (VIDEO)

If you find this article helpful, leave a comment and let us know what you think. 

And finally, we would appreciate it if you could follow us on our YouTube Channel – Amazing Bamboo Plants.

Fargesia Nitida Bamboo Viking [Clump-forming Bamboo]

 Fargesia nitida Viking is a hybrid bamboo, a cross between Fargesia nitida and murielae. 

This elegant hybrid clump-forming bamboo is non-invasive, it does not need a barrier because of its tight clump-forming nature.

Fargesia nitida Viking hybrid Fargesia nitida and murielae.

Best qualities of Fargesia nitida 'Viking’

Perfect for small gardens and pots or containers or grown as a single plant. It prefers partially shaded sites with higher humidity.

Like other Fargesia bamboos, the bamboo 'Viking' will thrive in nutrient-rich soil and where there is good moisture.

The foliage and edges can be pruned to give a compacted evergreen hedge, stunning purple to green stems and non-invasive

Clump-forming bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants online.

We listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers.

Growth features

  • Name: Fargesia nitida 'Viking'.
  • Culms: purple to green canes.
  • Leaves: slender, dark green, evergreen.
  • Max. Height: 2-4 metres.
  • Spread: Grow out of the base clump, non-invasive.
  • Winterhardiness: - 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Uses: Versatile plant- screens, hedges, ornamental, pot, etc.
  • Site: Part-shade – south-facing, sunny, good moisture.

Benefits of Growing Fargesia Nitida Bamboo

The Chinese Fountain Bamboo plants are great for part-shade and sunny areas.

This exotic Chinese bamboo is also good for screening, creating an evergreen backdrop or growing along an elevated site, but preferably in part-shaded areas.

Create an exotic bamboo garden 

Here are some articles packed with tips and step-by-step guides for bamboo growers.

If you find this article helpful, leave a comment and let us know what you think. 

And finally, we would appreciate it if you could follow us on our YouTube Channel – Amazing Bamboo Plants.

Red Chinese Fountain bamboo [Fargesia nitida 'Volcano’]

 Fargesia nitida ‘Volcano’, the Red Chinese Fountain bamboo, is a stunning, non-invasive bamboo, its other names are Chinese Fountain Bamboo 'Volcano', Red Fountain Bamboo or Spherical Garden bamboo.

It has a beautiful reddish black stem and brown sheath which forms a beautiful contrast between the dense green leaves.

Red Chinese Fountain bamboo [Fargesia nitida 'Volcano’]

Best qualities of Red Chinese Fountain bamboo [Fargesia nitida 'Volcano’]

The 'Volcano' can grow to a height of 2 metres, and its clumped base can reach 1.5 to 3 metres wide.

A good choice for pots and containers or can be planted directly into the ground as a screen or hedge.

This clump-forming bamboo is non-invasive and prefers moist soil and full sun or partial shade. Avoid growing the Volcano Bamboo in waterlogged sites and strong winds.

 The foliage and edges can be pruned to give a compacted evergreen hedge, beautiful red black stems and non-invasive.

Clump-forming bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants online 

We listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers.

Fargesia ‘Volcanoe’ Fountain Bamboo features

  • Identification: Fargesia nitida ‘Volcano’, Chinese Fountain Bamboo, Red Fountain Bamboo, Spherical Garden bamboo.
  • Culms: purply-reddish and black stems, brown sheath.
  • Leaves: slender, evergreen dense foliage.
  • Mature Height: 1.5 - 2 metres.
  • Spread: 1 metre, non-invasive.
  • Winterhardiness: - 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Uses: standalone plant, pots and containers, screen, roof terrace.
  • Site: Part shade to shade

Some bamboo plants with similar features are Fargesia rufa, Fargesia nitida Gansu and Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl'. Check this list for all the Fargesias.

Types of Fargesia Chinese Fountain Bamboos

We featured 7 common types of the Nitida group. A spectacular non-invasive bamboo plant, it will not send its shoots away from the parent plant.

The clumps form a dense upright wall to support the ‘fountain’ foliage.

Fargesia nitida is among the stunning Fargesia bamboos in the UK, owing their names to the appearances of the evergreen fountain-like foliage and coloured stems.

Benefits of Growing Chinese Fountain Bamboo

The Chinese Fountain Bamboo plants are great for shaded areas. If you have a North-facing garden this group of bamboos will thrive in it. 

This exotic Chinese bamboo is also good for screening, creating an evergreen backdrop or growing along an elevated site, but preferably in the shade. 

Create an exotic bamboo garden 

Here are some articles packed with tips and step-by-step guides for bamboo growers.

If you find this article helpful, leave a comment and let us know what you think. 

And finally, we would appreciate it if you could follow us on our YouTube Channel – Amazing Bamboo Plants.

Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’ [Chinese Fountain Bamboo]

Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’, the Chinese Fountain Bamboo, has beautiful slender evergreen foliage. It has tight upright stems that go from green to deep dark purple when matured and arched at the tops. 

In the dry season, water well or apply mulch and organic composts.

Qualities of Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’: Deep dark green leaves and tall slender clums, prefers shade, ideal for large pots and containers.

Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’

Clump-forming bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants onlineWe listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers.

Bamboo Fargesia ‘Pillar’ features

  • Name/s: Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’, Chinese Fountain Bamboo.
  • Culms: upright, green turning deep purple almost black.
  • Leaves: slender, evergreen dense foliage.
  • Max. Height: 2 - 3 metres.
  • Max. Spread: 1 - 2 metres, non-invasive, clump-forming.
  • Winterhardiness: - 20 to - 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Uses: single plant, pots and containers, shade plants
  • Care: tolerant of shade, water well in the dry season, requires good soils and moisture.
Some bamboo with similar features are Fargesia rufa, Fargesia nitida gansu and Fargesia nitida 'Black Pearl. Check this list for all the Fargesias.

How to grow fountain bamboo?

The Chinese Fountain Bamboo, Fargesia nitida ‘Pillar’, can grow 3 metres high and is extremely winterhardy –20 degrees Celsius.

It is bamboo is highly tolerant of shade, making it the best plant for containers and pots, undergrowth and small gardens.

It does not like compacted chalky soil and dry areas.

Use this clump-forming bamboo for screening shady spots. It also grows well in large pots and containers.

Types of Fargesia Nitida Bamboo plants

We featured 7 common types of the Nitida group. A spectacular non-invasive bamboo plant, it will not send its shoots away from the parent plant.

The clumps form a dense upright wall to support the ‘fountain’ foliage.

Fargesia nitida fountain bamboo plant is among the stunning Fargesia bamboos in the UK, owing their names to the appearances of the evergreen fountain-like foliage and coloured stems.

Create an exotic bamboo garden 

Here are some articles packed with tips and step-by-step guides for bamboo growers.

If you find this article helpful, leave a comment and let us know what you think. 

And finally, we would appreciate it if you could follow us on our YouTube Channel – Amazing Bamboo Plants.

How to Grow Bamboo from Cuttings [12 MONTHS 6 VIDEO UPDATES]

I grow the Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo, Phyllostachys vivax f. areosulcata from Rhizome cuttings in August last year.  The bamboo plants are a year old and are looking great.
It has been a year of learning to grow bamboo from cuttings. It requires care for the delicate new shoots where I kept the snails away, staked the new bamboo shoots and watered them during the warm summer months.

how to propagate bamboo UK

Height of the bamboo plants - measured

I measure the height of the bamboo plants at 2 weeks (August), 4 & 6 weeks (September) and 8 weeks (October). The growth pattern I observed was interesting

The fast-growing bamboo shoots reached over 60cm in 8 weeks (2 months).

By the end of the 12th month, the height of the longest bamboo was 106cm which means that the bamboo shoot grew only 40cm in 10 months.
But, something interesting happened during that time. [Watch the 1 Year Video Update to find out what happened]

VIDEOS UPDATES: How to Grow Bamboo from Rhizome Cuttings

This raw video list shows the work that I did over the period of 12 months, from the summer of 2021 to 2022.

Video 1: Grow Bamboo in the Propagating medium (2 weeks growth)

I used a bucket as a bamboo propagator. Planted the rhizomes in the bucket for 2 weeks until the roots and shoots germinated before transplanting them into Holding Pots.

Video 2: Bamboo Growing in the Propagating medium (4 weeks growth) New Growth Eaten by Slugs

I had to stop the slugs from eating the new shoots by applying slug & snail pellets.  It worked.

Video 3: Transplanting new bamboo from Propagator to Holding Pot (4 weeks growth)

Video 4: Calculating the Growth Rate of Bamboo in the Pots (8 weeks growth) - how fast does bamboo grow in a day?

In this video, I measured the height of the new bamboo shoots for 8 weeks and found the growth rate of this bamboo.

Video 5: How tall a bamboo grows in one year

From my observations, a new shoot will grow super fast in the first two months.

Then, put out branches and leaves and establish the rooting underground.

The first shoot can reach a metre to two metres, eventually doubling the height as it grows.

Video 6: What happens as a new bamboo plant grows? [Expected Height by Year]

Like most plants, a newly planted bamboo will not reach its full height in the first year.

Each year the bamboo will grow taller, in some cases twice as tall as the previous plant.

It will reach its matured height in 4-5 years and last for as long as 20-30 years.

Notably, a bamboo grove can last even longer due to the bamboo plant's re-generative growth behaviour, unlike the trees.

Important note about bamboo propagation

Different bamboo plants have different growth rates and patterns, features, soil, light & shade preferences.

Also, the propagation technique (seedlings, rhizome cutting, stem cuttings, etc) used will affect the growth of new bamboo plants. 

In this particular work, I am propagating the Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo, Phyllostachys vivax f. areosulcata from Rhizome cuttings.

Use it as an informational guide to growing the tall Phyllostachys from the rhizome cuttings. 

Fargesia Nitida 'Jiuzhaigou' Fountain Bamboo [Red Panda Fargesia Bamboo]

 Fargesia Nitida 'Jiuzhaigou' (commonly known as the Red Panda Fargesia Bamboo) is a clump-forming dwarf bamboo.

The stems of this bamboo emerge green, turn deep red and mature to yellowish-orange. It is known that the change in colours is a response to the amount of light the stems receive.

Unlike the other Fargesias,  Fargesia Nitida 'Jiuzhaigou' requires a good amount of sunlight. 

The clump-forming bamboo thrives in moist well-drained soils. 

When planted in large pots and containers, the soil must be kept moist and nutrient-rich.

Fargesia Nitida 'Jiuzhaigou'

Bamboo Fargesia 'Jiuzhaigou' features

Fargesia nitida 'Jiuzhaigou’ is a hardy bamboo, it grows to an average height of 3 metres and spread 2 metres in clump formation.

  • Identification: Fargesia nitida 'Jiuzhaigou', clump-forming bamboo, dwarf bamboo, Red Panda’ Fargesia.
  • Culms: emerge green, turn red and age to orange.
  • Leaves: dense evergreen foliage.
  • Max Height: 2 - 4 metres.
  • Spread: 1 - 2 metres, non-invasive, clump forming.
  • Winterhardiness: -15 to -20 degrees Celsius.
  • Uses: Ideal for pots and containers, or sites where there is direct sunlight.
  • Care: prefers direct sunlight, and requires good soil and moisture.

Clump-forming bamboo plants for sale

Here is where to buy the clump-forming bamboo plants onlineWe listed some top UK Home and Garden bamboo suppliers like Crocus and YouGarden.

Also, check out Amazon bamboo suppliers.

Best qualities of Fargesia nitida 'Jiuzhaigou’

Spectacular change in the colour of the culms/stems from emerging green to deep red and aged to yellowish orange.

Grow in south facing gardens as it needs sunlight for the best result.

7 Types of Fargesia Nitida Fountain Bamboos

We featured 7 common types of the Nitida group. A spectacular non-invasive bamboo plant, it will not send its shoots away from the parent plant.

The clumps form a dense upright wall to support the ‘fountain’ foliage.

Fargesia nitida is among the stunning Fargesia bamboos in the UK, owing their names to the appearances of the evergreen fountain-like foliage and coloured stems.

Here are four articles packed with informational guides for bamboo growers. 

Click on the links to read about how to propagate bamboo plants.

Fargesia nitida Obelisk [Fargesia murielae and Fargesia nitida Hybrid]

Fargesia nitida ‘Obelisk’ is a hybrid bamboo with evergreen leaves and dark tall culms. This clump-forming Fargesia nitida has the best qualities of the parent plants Fargesia murielae and Fargesia nitida.

This beautiful bamboo is known for producing numerous shoots and leaves every year.

Fargesia nitida Obelisk is ideal as a standalone bamboo, makes a great ornamental garden centrepiece. It can also be grown in pots and containers, or as privacy screens and hedges to great effect.

This clump-forming bamboo is hardy and can withstand temperatures to a low -25 degrees Celsius. 

The Obelisk culms can grow to 4m tall and support their dense green foliage. This bamboo thrives in part shade and shade.

Fargesia nitida Obelisk UK

Bamboo Fargesia ‘Obelisk’ features and care

Best qualities of Fargesia nitida 'Obelisk’: Great standalone plant, produces masses of new shoots and leaves yearly. 

Obelisk is clump-forming bamboo with dense green foliage and thin hardy culms. It is non-invasive.
  • Identification: Fargesia nitida ‘Obelisk’, Hybrid Umbrella Bamboo Obelisk, Fargesia Nitida Obelisk.
  • Culms: Slender, Dark columnar.
  • Leaves: Bright green, evergreen foliage.
  • Height: 3 - 4 metres.
  • Spread: 1 - 2 metres, non-invasive, clump forming.
  • Hardiness: - 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Use: Standalone specimens, pots and containers, hedges, privacy screens.
  • Care: Thrives in the shade and part shade, requires good soils and moisture.

Cost of Clump-forming bamboo plants

The cost listing below is an estimated price of the common Clump-forming bamboo plants based on the cost of 10 – 20 L pots. 

The comparison table shows the price ranges (lowest and highest prices) from over 10 UK online retailers, including the major online markets, Amazon and eBay.

Note that the prices are indicative of the costs of packages (P&P) and delivery charges, and are subject to changes. Use this table as a guide. 

For more information on prices, check the recent online prices from the top UK Bamboo Suppliers.

7 Types of Fargesia Nitida Fountain Bamboo

We featured 7 common types of the Nitida group

A spectacular non-invasive bamboo plant, it will not send its shoots away from the parent plant. The clumps form a dense upright wall to support the ‘fountain’ foliage.

Fargesia nitida is among the stunning Fargesia bamboos in the UK, owing their names to the appearances of the evergreen fountain-like foliage and coloured stems.

The 4 articles below are packed with tips and step-by-step guides for bamboo growers. 

Click on the links to find out more.

Follow GBP on YouTube – Amazing Bamboo Plants. Get the top tips for growing bamboo plants in the UK.